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Anyone have a Fuji X20?

I'm looking for a small, high quality carry camera that has a viewfinder and does not have interchangeable lens capability ( don't want the ability to buy into another system; I'm weak). The info that's kicking around on the X20 looks like it might fit the bill. If anyone is using one, I'd like to get their impressions relative to handling and picture quality; particularly interested as to the quality/size of prints from the files.


OTF jewel hunter
Staff member
Don't own one, but have played with one a bit. Played with the x10 a lot. Go for it. Fuji are at the top of their game right now. The lenses and sensors that their current cameras have are top notch. The interface of the camera is very nice, with a clear menu, and a nice manual zoom, plus an optical viewfinder, which is a rarity now. You could print up to 16x20" off that camera without many issues.
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