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Anyone Find Their Gillette Adjustables Too Harsh?

I have both a '66 Slim and a '69 long handle Super adjustable razor. I find them too harsh for me even dialed at 1, the Super being the worse. I'm just curious whether anyone else has had this experience? I seem to hear nothing but praise about these two razors, I just can't understand why they don't seem to work well with me. I have five other razors, including a Rocket, and a couple of Super Speeds, they all seem to work fine with me.
In being curious as to why the Super Adjustable was a lot more aggressive than the Slim at the same setting, I examined the blade gaps of both under a magnification lamp. I discovered that the Super's blade gap seems to be way off, it is just slightly larger than the Slim when the Super is set at 1, and the Super is set at 7. Is there a way I can fix this?

EDIT: I found the TTO knob is stiff on the last turn, enough that I wasn't able to close it fully, I forced it a bit more (more than I felt comfortable with), and it closed fully, now the blade gap is more in line with that of the Slim. Any ideas on how to fix a stiff TTO knob? My My guess is there could be some soap/cream buildup inside?


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In being curious as to why the Super Adjustable was a lot more aggressive than the Slim at the same setting, I examined the blade gaps of both under a magnification lamp. I discovered that the Super's blade gap seems to be way off, it is just slightly larger than the Slim when the Super is set at 1, and the Super is set at 7. Is there a way I can fix this?

EDIT: I found the TTO knob is stiff on the last turn, enough that I wasn't able to close it fully, I forced it a bit more (more than I felt comfortable with), and it closed fully, now the blade gap is more in line with that of the Slim. Any ideas on how to fix a stiff TTO knob? My My guess is there could be some soap/cream buildup inside?

A good soak in hot (not boiling) water with scrubbing bubbles seems to be the most common method to work on getting that resolved.

edit: BTW, do NOT use CLR or some of the other cleaners of that type, it will eat through and completely discolor the resin on the black handle.
As recommended soak it (even in plain water), oil it, keep working it until it comes back and works easily.
The adjuster plate may be stuck in the high position.
Is there a gap between the adjusting knob and the part above it (there shouldn't be), this relies on the spring in the TTO knob to pull it down.
See my post at :-
to give you an idea of the insides.
The picture on the right looks like it's not closed properly as the blade isn't bent right up into the cap.
Maybe some PO has taken it apart and not taken note of the assembly dimensions as discussed in the above thread.

First thing though is a good soak in soapy water and a few drops of oil down in between the centre bar and tube from the cap end, then leave stood upright for this to run down inside onto the screw.
What type of oil is recommended for use on Vintage Gillette Adjustables?


I don't know if there is any 'recommended' oil, I just use what I've got to hand and try and keep it off the black of the super in case it softens or marks it. Mine happened to be Starrett instrument oil which is fairly thin to run down inside. It'll probably get washed of after a few shaves anyway but helps to free things up.
I'd avoid WD40 as it can set like glue if left for a while without use.
Something shelf stable and non-petroleum based... mineral oil is the most common mentioned one to use.

Stupid question. Is "Mineral Oil" found in the laxative section of the super market acceptable? Luckily I've always had healthy bowels and know nothing about laxatives.
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