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Anyone ever use "Barbershop" soap?

I saw a minty Barbershop mug and soap with instructions at a flea market / antique store for $12. I think it would be neat for a collection, but don't know if I could bring myself to use a virgin puck of something that you may never find again. Anyway, any of you ever used this stuff?
I have it in my rotation and its a good tallow soap that makes a nice creme lather. Good price you need to go back and get it before its gone.
I have it in my rotation and its a good tallow soap that makes a nice creme lather. Good price you need to go back and get it before its gone.

I may get it next weekend when I go back to my hometown to deer hunt. I've said it before, but I'm cheap and spoiled. So far I've never spent that much on a single flea market find, but I'm gonna have to sooner or latter.
I've got a half dozen of the Franklin Toiletries Barbershop mugs, two brushes and a couple pucks of the soap. It is an outstanding soap, and the puck is very large so it will last a long time. I'd snatch that up in a heartbeat at that price.
No, but its just soap. It's meant to be used. Use it and let us know how it was.


It's a perishable item. It won't last forever, so attempts at preserving it for some future generation are rather meaningless. Besides, that future generation may just view it as trash with no value anyway.
If you don't buy it, then you won't have it. Easy enough.
If you do buy it, and then use it all, you'll no longer have the soap, but you'll have enjoyed many great shaves and had the privilege of using a vintage soap, and you'll have a cool mug, all for just $12.

That's a no-brainer. Better it be used by someone who appreciates it than to be stuck on a shelf, collecting dust.
I had a few pucks awhile back. I liked it but not as well as williams or some other vintages. I've still got one puck I moved back to my cabinet recently, but I haven't gotten around to giving it another go. The mug alone is worth more than $12. Nicest shaving mugs I've found. I don't care for the gold-toned one, but the basic brown and cream are nice.
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