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Anyone ever see this vid?

That's pretty neat ... doesn't really tell us anything we don't already know, but I like his casual, laid-back delivery.

I was particularly interested in the section where he talked about other grooming tools, like nail-clippers and cuticle cutters and nose-hair trimmers. I've been looking for high(er) quality tools like that for a while, but there doesn't seem to be much to choose from.

Anybody know where to pick up those Concorde clippers from Japan he was talking about?
Haha. I've seen it, Toxicbumps posted in chat one day. We were debating whether or not he was drunk or high while making this video.


Samurai steel from japan! or turkey steel!

I'm pretty sure he said that DE razor blades were bio degradable.

*Whispers* I...I get these things.....all the time
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Youtube comments are the http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_0mxKvY9BZSA/RsooIq40_dI/AAAAAAAAAEQ/2Begd58JTtg/s320/vonnegut+*******.jpg of the internet.
dude sounds like pauly shore (or however you spell his name, the guy from biodome, tragic film but great accent!)

I really like his style, might employ a similar one when I take the plunge and make a few vids of my own


dude sounds like pauly shore (or however you spell his name, the guy from biodome, tragic film but great accent!)

I really like his style, might employ a similar one when I take the plunge and make a few vids of my own

You'll achieve more coherent results if your BAC is lower than his was during filming.
This guy's priceless. He sounds like he's going to fall apart at any second and then he grabs onto the next idea.

He can cover the demographic groups that Mantic might miss:001_smile
That's pretty neat ... doesn't really tell us anything we don't already know, but I like his casual, laid-back delivery.

I was particularly interested in the section where he talked about other grooming tools, like nail-clippers and cuticle cutters and nose-hair trimmers. I've been looking for high(er) quality tools like that for a while, but there doesn't seem to be much to choose from.

Anybody know where to pick up those Concorde clippers from Japan he was talking about?


There i'd guess. I'll probably give them a shot too.
i did find it funny to. I think is his delivery nd the way he show the direction of the shave and the brush in front of the camera. He has a future in entertainment and educational videos
Outstanding! I don't care if the guy's not fit to drive - he's informative and entertaining, and is much more likely to grab the attention of 20-somethings than an old fart like me. Plus, the throat clearing at about 2:25 was hysterical! :thumbup:
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