Don't know why but I shaved with a Sensor Excel today. First time I have not used my straight since I first shaved with one. Shave was BBS no bother at all. I even went ATG something I have not been able to do with DE or straight (I have super sensitive skin, sometimes I think if you were to tickle my face with a feather I'd get razor burn).
No way I'm giving up my Straights though, not even for one shave. It just shows what a difference a bit of shaving knowledge and proper lather can make. When I think back to how my shaves used to be....... Its unbelievable this information isn't more widely known. How many blokes must hate shaving!
No way I'm giving up my Straights though, not even for one shave. It just shows what a difference a bit of shaving knowledge and proper lather can make. When I think back to how my shaves used to be....... Its unbelievable this information isn't more widely known. How many blokes must hate shaving!