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Anybody use/recommend electric shavers?

Hi all,

I used to shave with a DE, but did not have enough to learn before I landed a job where I had to shave everyday.

I'm going back to this job in the near future and I can't stand to shave 5 days a week with a disposable. I don't have the time I used to to learn DE again and I was wondering if using an electric would be a good solution.

Does anybody else use one and or do you recommend a certain one?
no and no

Learning to use a DE isn't that hard, but you could use a sensor or something and use the DE at the weekend.
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I always kept an electric (usually rechargeable) at work, just in case. Some places I didn't need to shave, but others, where I did, I'd use it a couple times a week. Just not a morning person, and ran late a lot back then. And few places I've worked had decent facilities for a wet shave, hot water being especially rare. I'd also use it occasionally for a quick 2-3 minute touch up. So I'd only wet shave 2-3 times a week, plus special occasions.

The main thing to consider is rotary vs the straight blades. Some people can use one type without harm but not the other.
The main thing to consider is rotary vs the straight blades. Some people can use one type without harm but not the other.

What he said.

I have one stashed at work for when I'm running late. It's a Norelco rotary type and it gives me a decent shave.

You really don't need to "re-learn" DE shaving, it's really not that complicated. Plus, if you want to save some time you can try a brushless cream and shave in the shower.
+1 with not having to re-learn DE

it's not that hard really. the very first time I shaved w/ a DE I just picked it up and went with it (after watching the mantic videos).

even as a newb, i can easily get a DFS in 5 minutes with a DE if I have to, but I usually take 30 because I like to!!
It's your face, but every electric I've ever used ended up leaving my skin sore and irritated.


You will find very little supporters of electrics here. Most of us consider them to be the tools of the devil.

+1 with not having to re-learn DE

it's not that hard really.


Your shave doesn't need to be perfect for a professional setting; you just need to have all visible patches of stubble gone, and have no huge blood oozing cuts.
Before I learned Wet Shaving/DE I was so fed up with Proctor and Gamble product that I tried about 6 electric shavers over two years. Easily the best shave was from Panasonic. I had two models both were excellent. They were "wet shave" models that you could drip some soap onto and then shave with in the shower.
These were actually a good shave and with good soap in the shower avoided the dry nasty feeling a lot of electrics give.

I can actually recommend this product, although learning to shave with a safety razor really doesn't take to long and I'd never go back to electric myself.


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Nah, if you want my opinion, electrics are garbage (I've used an electric many times, and each time, my face felt like I had the proverbial beard of bees). As an alternative, I'd suggest using fixed-head cartridge disposables (like the cheap Bic or generic brand throw-aways that you can get a 10-pack of). You can face lather with a nice soap, quickly zip through a couple of passes, and be done with everything in 5 minutes flat—certainly not the best and closest possible shave, but a whole lot closer and more pleasurable than using an electric.
Tried it in the past. It just never gave me a close shave, and I'd get irritation and itchiness. I do still use the clipper part of my Norelco to get the stray hairs on the outside of my ears, but it never touches my face.

If you don't want to use a DE, then an alternative to disposables would be a decent twin blade system, like Atra or Trac II. It's probably easier to find a good handle for a Trac II.

If you do want to go back to electrics, there's no ban on discussing it here, I hope, but it may not be all that useful. There are forums on electric shaving if you want to get hints and advice.
I found that if I'm shaving every day I can get it done in about 10 minutes. Getting out of bed at 6:30 instead of 6:45 to have a comfortable instead of passable shave is worth it!!
Thanks for the replies.

Believe me, I DON'T want to use an electric.

I'll be living for 3 months in an apartment with several roommates. There are two people per room and only one bathroom in each room and it's hard to practice my DE technique while having to rush so someone else can shower!
Shave in the late evening or get up a little bit earlier so you don't have to rush.

Besides, you said in the near future, which insinuates that you have a little bit of time to practice.

I don't believe that you forget how to wet shave once you learn. It seems to be about like riding a bike.

I used a Norelco electric for something like 8 to 10 years. It worked ok, but nothing special. When it finally died, I replaced it with a Braun, which performed much worse. Razor burn wasn't much of a problem, and mostly went away after the first few shaves (much like my experience with DE shaving). But I decided to give up on electrics because they do a terrible job on the neck - they just won't pick up certain hairs no matter how many times and how many different angles I try. Plus they caused ingrown hairs.

I only started DE shaving a week and a half ago. I'm nowhere close to mastering it, but if I can figure it out I doubt I'll ever go back to electric.
i've used electrics in the past and if you keep at it, they'll mow your whiskers.

personally, i find norelco razors pull. i've had much better luck with brauns, but they're expensive and the new ones have this cleaning/reservoir holder that takes up counter space and requires an outlet.

since space is at a premium, i'd consider using a DE, a brush and a small shave stick. this would take up minimum room and still allow you to enjoy your mornings.
I tried various electrics (Remington, Philips, Braun and a cheap supermarket own brand which was actually the best). They didn't cause any irritation but none of them actually shaved my chin and neck. I used to have to have a once or twice a week shave with a Bic razor just to deal with the stubble on my neck.
Try shaving the night before. Even if you get some beard growth by the end of the day, it's still going to be better than the electric. Once you get the timing down, you can switch back to morning and get a good, quick shave in before you leave for work..
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