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Anybody know anything about Wacker straights?

Can anyone help me identify this one?
I can't tell if the scales are plastic or some type of horn.
Nothing on the tang except SOLINGEN.


Any help would be appreciated.

And stolen from a website :
Introducing Herr Heribert Wacker; he is the last independent Master Razor Craftsman in Solingen, Germany. Heribert is one of only two masters of the trade remaining in Germany. Heribert has been making fine quality straight razors for fifty-three years after doing his apprenticeship at Dorko. He then obtained work with Puma and later with Dovo. Heribert is a third generation razor maker and is presently training his son to follow in his footsteps. Heribert scours Solingen looking for new razor blanks to grind and will turn any old razor blank into a work of art. You will notice he utilizes his tradional family brands of Wacker and Jungmeister at times.
How do we know that's a Wacker?

HW did produce a bunch of re-grinds from (I think) Dorco and possibly some other similar-quality blanks.
Maybe that's one of them?
The last time I saw that razor was on Ebay and I was bidding on it, but I didn't go very high because I couldn't see any markings in the photos provided that proved it was a Wacker. Nice razor none the less.
The last time I saw that razor was on Ebay and I was bidding on it, but I didn't go very high because I couldn't see any markings in the photos provided that proved it was a Wacker. Nice razor none the less.

Guess I outbid you...sorry...hehe.
Like I said, I don't know if the etchings on the blade was Herr Wackers' doing or what.
Also, does the hot pin test apply to horn like it does ivory?


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
Guess I outbid you...sorry...hehe.
Like I said, I don't know if the etchings on the blade was Herr Wackers' doing or what.
Also, does the hot pin test apply to horn like it does ivory?

The hot pin will singe the horn and you will smell burning hair. The red hot pin will, if plastic, melt right through the scale so don't push too hard! I speak from experience BTW :wink:
The scales are celluloid 99% sure, horn does not come with figuring like that. You can test with hot pin if horn it will smell like burnt hair.
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