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Anybody elses kids dance ? ARGHHHH

Quick rant .

Number 2 son ( 14 yo ) dances. He loves it I normally don't mind the running around. Heck I've spend hours in carparks till 1am waiting for him when he auditioned and got into the local production of High School Musical :thumbup1:

I'm a very proud father ! :001_smile

It's good for his fitness, he's made some great friendships and he loves it so much. Can't really ask for anything more.

This week down here however is Dance Eistedfodd week ! So over the week he has 8 dances.

That's fine, but there's no times in the program, you've got to manually work them out and you can guarantee their running late.

So going to see him dance for 4 minutes tops takes out about 1 1/2 to 2 hours of my time ( normally I have to sneak out of work )

The other things is there's one dance style I really can't handle, that's tap. Don't get me wrong someone like Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire or Sammy Davis I enjoy but you can guarantee that the section before my son will be Under 6s solo tap !!!:blink:

There's only so many times you can hear "How much is that doggy in the window?" or " Good ship Lollipop ".

The only thing worse is Open Tap Group, 50 year old women all tapping away :bored:

Ah well, I've snuck out for a break ( been here since 9:30 this morning ( it's 3pm now and he's actually only been in one dance ) , they're only about 1/2 an hour behind and I'm using free internet. His Kick Section should be up soon...... I hope !!!!

It'll all be over by tomorrow ( Sunday ) 11pm ( for another year ) :huh:

Rant Over :001_smile

p.s. so far 3 gold for his group dances and a silver for his jazz solo dance.... a nice little haul this year :thumbup:
Just went back in and even though it's not a tap section the last two dances have been ........TAP !

Bah! 2 daughters from the age of 5 to age 17. They're 2 years apart so that was 14 years straight. I'm not even going to mention swimming practice at 6:00 in the morning before school.
Every dance recital always seemed to happen on both the Saturday and Sunday after I got off the plane from a business trip. 2 shows each day, 2 hours each show.

Wouldn't have missed it for the world.:thumbup:


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member

I can't only imagine this.

Ian: Son Number 2, get in the car
Son Number 2: It's almost over!
Ian: Don't make me get Son Number 1 and Son Number 3 to drag you in here!
My daughter was into North West Clog morris in her teens. (Nothing like American clog!) It was practice every Wednesday in winter and dancing out at various pubs and fetes during the summer. Got to see many great country pubs doing that!

Wasn't bad though as I ended up playing the squeezebox for them so I was going too!

She went on to university and joined a local ladies Cotswold morris team there and I carried on with the North West team!

She doesn't do it any more but I have moved on to playing and dancing with a men's Cotswold side in Gloucester as the women cloggers eventually disbanded!

Also, being a Welshman, I should point out that it is spelled Eisteddfod. How come you have Eisteddfodau in Australia? Most Brits have no idea what they are! Do they all speak in Welsh as they do at ours?:thumbup:

Wasn't bad though as I ended up playing the squeezebox for them so I was going too!

I'm coaching son 3's U12 soccer team, because I've go to be there too anyway. Being coach means I can yell and scream at them from the sideline and I'm not just a pushie parent :lol:


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
I'm coaching son 3's U12 soccer team, because I've go to be there too anyway. Being coach means I can yell and scream at them from the sideline and I'm not just a pushie parent :lol:

I can imagine that one too...

Ian: What do you mean your foot is broken?
Kid #1: It doesn't feel right
Ian: Get back on the field!!:lol::lol:
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