hey guys long time looker first time poster, been a active member of srp for a few yrs and wanted to come check out its neighbor site, anyone out there do any trapping in there off time for fox or coon ect...
Not I, but my brother in law basically makes his living trapping out in South Dakota. Not sure what all he goes after, I know he ends up with a garage full of pelts each year. He also hunts mountain lions.
I used to trap 'coon and 'possom off and on for a few years. When I moved here the fur dealers weren't very numerous, and then the prices kept falling so I haven't done any in awhile. I've tried coyotes a little but didn't have much luck; even used rubber gloves and boots, descented the equipment, took care in covering the traps, etc. but it seems they are smarter that I am.
Hello and welcome! Trapping is on my list to pursue, but haven't yet. Several of my friends trap and as an overall sportsman and Hunter Education Instructor I appreciate the benefits and sport.
I use to go trapping with my Grandfather. Mostly Martin, Squirrel, Fishers, though we also went after the occasional beaver when a dam would flood a road or start to get close to flooding someone's house.
I used to "hobby" trap part-time about 20 years ago, mostly muskrat. At that time they were selling from $4 to $6. if I recall correctly. I would mix in a few raccoon, red and grey fox, mink and beaver and would manage to make $400 to $600 each year. Probably worked out to about 50 cents an hour but it was mostly for the outdoors enjoyment anyway. Some folks and family members were surprised to learn that I could gather this variety of wildlife while living and trapping within 25 miles of Metropolitan Nashville TN.