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Any Shavette fans out there?

I recently picked up a Dovo Shavette just to give it a try. I am stunned. I had the closest most irritation free shave of my entire life. My DE was only used to clean up around my throat a bit. I'm a changed man. I didn't care for the DE blades in it because I could feel the blade flex. However, I tried the Personna hair shaper blade with the green insert. Absolutely amazing. Has anyone else had a good experience with the shavette? I've heard it bad mouthed several times on here and i'm just wondering if anyone else is as pleased with it as I am.

Best Regards,

Hey JJ,

I have found the shavette quite a good shaver. Really close shaves, not too much irritation (unless I get sloppy). I just find that I still need to clean up the moustache area because I can't get at it unless I use my regular DE or an SE. I think that you might find the negative opinions of the shavette from straight razor users. I could be wrong, and also you might be a straight razor user who has just decided to try the shavette. However, I think it is the superior shave of a real sttraight that makes the shavette less appealing. I never had the money to go all out on a straight so I went for the shavette (the poor man's straight hehe). I generally use the red and black plastic sleeve inserts with the dovo long blades or my multitude of DE blades. the DE blades, while smaller do a pretty good job so if you find yourself hard pressed to find those Personnas give the DE blades a whirl.

Definitely had good experiences with my shavette although I only really use it for travelling because I find a real straight less harsh.

Shavettes get bad mouthed around here because they'll show up any minor flaws in technique like a straight won't, so a lot of straight shavers who think there technique is really good come a cropper when they pick up a shavette and then blame the tool.
I started my straight razor journey with a Shavette but have continued on to vintage straights. I still have my shavette and use it when I travel so I don't have to worry about losing or replacing my other straights and it still does the job nicely. The one benefit of a true straight is not having to continuously buy replacement blades but once you are good with a shavette a jump to a traditional straight is very easy.
I like the shavette too. With the right blade (I use Derby) it can give an excellent shave. Takes a bit more caution and concentration than a normal straight, but it is a very efficient and inexpensive way to shave.
Nonetheless, I prefer my straights, at least at home. They just have more style and are less messy. But next time I go on holiday I'll take a shavette.
I use the Feather AC straight, which gives a very nice shave. I have both the folding and the non folding model.

For a shavette I also use the Parker SRW, which I find also gives a close comfortable shave. These are all I use for open blade razors, and I've learned using both models so its no problem getting a good shave with them. :thumbup1:
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