I picked up a bag a while back at an antique store that contained two vintage pucks of Williams and a really old William's shave stick, had to buy the whole bag, no splitting it up. The bag also had a box of Seiberling rubber heels and Blakey's leather plugged quarter tips. They are pretty old, and too cool for me to toss in the trash, but I have no use for them. I hardly ever wear dress shoes, let alone would I ever be making or repairing some.
I looked at evilbay, and no results, so I don't know if this is something someone would take interest in or whether it needs to go in a box for the next trip to the Goodwill.
I looked at evilbay, and no results, so I don't know if this is something someone would take interest in or whether it needs to go in a box for the next trip to the Goodwill.