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A Tale Of Kents And Madness

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
Rather than post this in the new brush acquisition thread I thought this was an unusual enough experience to put here separately.

I'm currently in Toronto for a short business trip and it's my first time in this rather wonderful city. In the small mall beneath my hotel there is a traditional barbershop and they had some Kent badger brushes in the window. As you all no doubt know, Kent hasn't made badger brushes in years, but there are always some sitting forgotten in shops somewhere. These guys had quite a few on display. Lately I've come to favour very soft brushes with old-style, fine 3-band silvertip hair, and I do have a BK8 Silvertip that was my first shaving brush and my only brush for years. I think it is such a pity that Kent decided to abandon badger when their badger brushes were so iconic and unique.

I walked into the shop to ask if they were selling these brushes. That was the wrong question and it confused them. What I should have asked, I now realise, is whether they have ever sold a shaving brush. They would have answered no, but that they do all have price stickers on them and they could, in principle, be purchased if a customer was so inclined. It had just never actually happened.

They didn't know anything about the brushes and kept trying to hand me an Omega brush instead because the Kent ones were so much more expensive and, as far as they knew, all the brushes were the same. They had difficulty too understanding why even the Kent brushes had different prices, and when I tried to tell them it was because the brushes were different sizes (and I thought this was hard not to notice), it still made no sense to them and I could not shake their conviction that the price stickers must all be wrong. In the end they asked me where I was from, I said I was English, and this seemed to be enough of an explanation for my behaviour that they just let me take over, open all the drawers, and look at whatever brushes I wanted.

I bought a whopping BK12 Silvertip, a BLK8 Silvertip and an H4 Pure Badger. All brand new, in their tubes, and sealed. The two silvertips have really uniform, white tips and they feel like lovely knots. The assistant was so shocked at the idea of selling not only one, but three of their brushes that she took a photo of them to send to her boss before she would put them in a bag for me. She said she thought they were all ridiculously overpriced and the brown one (the H4) was especially horrible. I got the sense that this was by far the biggest sale in the history of their business, for understandable reasons, and all because of one utterly insane Englishman. I suppose I could have told them all the prices must be mistyped and the zeros at the end should be deleted, and they would have sold them to me for a tenth of the price, but I sort of felt sorry for this empty barbershop with the nice brushes and I wanted to feel that they might still be open next year and maybe the year after as well. I was just happy to be able to purchase these brushes that are not made any more.

I don't know if the world of modern commerce has bypassed the whole of Toronto, or if it was just this shop, but I found it all rather charming. I really love this city - it is beautiful, the sun is shining, and everybody is so relaxed and friendly.

Anyway, here are the brushes and here is the view from the street outside the hotel.

Kent Badgers.jpg

Toronto Outside Hotel.jpg
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Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
I love stories like this, thanks for sharing. Looks like a beautiful day in Toronto. The Kent handle shapes are so sleek and timeless, that faux horn is excellent. Enjoy your explorations and new found treasures!
Glad you enjoyed the read. Also glad you like the faux horn - I do too, and it's a much less common colour. The sales assistant absolutely hated the faux horn. You should have seen the face she pulled when we opened it. I said, "you really don't like this one, do you?" and she said she didn't but I could have it if I wanted.

She must have asked me four or five times if I was sure about the prices before she took my card. She really tried everything she could to bring me to my senses and stop me making this bizarre purchase. I suppose that was very thoughtful of her.

And, honestly, she's right that nobody should really purchase THREE shaving brushes when they only have one face. I did explain that these are very good brushes and they are not made any more, but that didn't sway her at all.

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
Once you mentioned Toronto, business trip, and shaving supplies, I figured I knew the store you were at. When I worked downtown over a decade ago, I would pass the shop quite often but, due to the VERY high prices, never bought a single thing.
It's called The Men's Salon, underneath the Fairmont Royal York hotel. They are more a barbershop than a retailer, but they do sell a few things (if you are persistent). Is that the one you mean or is there another overpriced shaving retailer in the vicinity?

The prices were fine, I thought. Just from the point of view of the assistant it was nuts to buy these instead of the Omega that was $15 or something.


I got moves like Jagger
That's a different one! The one I was thinking of sold shaving kit and pens (not a barbershop) and was the underground PATH network, close to an exit on University Ave ... I think. It's been quite a while since I was down there.
Welcome to Canada where we like to help our customers by trying to point out price vagaries on things that we may not have any knowledge of. However, at this shop they didn't seem to realize what they had and why you were trying to buy them. I'd say they'd had these brushes for some time and just didn't know anything about them. Nice score! I'm in Regina SK, the quintessential prairie town where we do not have any type of shaving supply store that TO has. Although we do have some barbershops that feature some vintage Gillette razors etc. But nothing like some of the cities I've visited.

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
This is a great story! Did you save any brushes for us locals?? 😁

I am glad you are enjoying your trip to Toronto! How long are you here for? Will you have a chance to do any sight seeing?
They still have more if you want one. I got the only BK12 they had but they also have a bunch of 8s, 4s and 2s.

I’m only here for two days, after spending the first half of the week in Chicago. No chance for sightseeing this time just some dinners with my team and walking around the area a little - useful to get a general feel for the city. Next time I come I will definitely bring my wife and take a week or two vacation before we fly home.

Mr. Shavington

Knows Hot Turkish Toilets
They still have more if you want one. I got the only BK12 they had but they also have a bunch of 8s, 4s and 2s.

I’m only here for two days, after spending the first half of the week in Chicago. No chance for sightseeing this time just some dinners with my team and walking around the area a little - useful to get a general feel for the city. Next time I come I will definitely bring my wife and take a week or two vacation before we fly home.
It would be hilarious if you do go there and buy the rest of their Kents, @Balin. You’ll have to admit that you know the guy who bought these three, otherwise it’s too much of a coincidence and you would probably frighten them. They’ve had the brushes since 2020 at least - probably longer - and they’ve never sold one, or ever expected to, until today. I really think it made them feel awkward when I bought three brushes.

In case you’re interested the size 8s are CAD 230, size 4s are CAD 150. I don’t know what the price on the size 2s is, but obviously less. The price stickers were obviously the original ones from the time they first got them in stock. The size 12 was CAD 280 but they couldn’t find any more of those and mine was probably the only one they had. Of course it’s quite possible they found another cupboard full of them after I left the shop.
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It would be hilarious if you do go there and buy the rest of their Kents, @Balin. You’ll have to admit that you know the guy who bought these three, otherwise it’s too much of a coincidence and you would probably frighten them. They’ve had the brushes since 2020 at least - probably longer - and they’ve never sold one, or ever expected to, until today. I really think it made them feel awkward when I bought three brushes.

In case you’re interested the size 8s are CAD 230, size 4s are CAD 150. I don’t know what the price on the size 2s is, but obviously less. The size 12 was CAD 280 but they couldn’t find any more of those and mine was probably the only one they had. Of course it’s quite possible they found another cupboard full of them after I left the shop.
Not bad pricing considering Kent discontinued badger. I may have to go take a look.

I walk right past the Royal York (right thru it in winter when it is cold) when I walk from Union Station to my office on Wellington. 👍
Once you mentioned Toronto, business trip, and shaving supplies, I figured I knew the store you were at. When I worked downtown over a decade ago, I would pass the shop quite often but, due to the VERY high prices, never bought a single thing.
Sam, are you thinking about the fancy barbershop/shaving store on the ground floor of First Canadian Place? In any case, that place is crazy expensive!
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