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any pipe smokers out there

i was wanting to know how many of my de shaving friends out there are also pipe smokers. i started smoking my pipe before i discovered de shaving but now relize how expensive both can be and wanted to hear from you guys


I smoke one of my pipes 3-5 times a week for some relaxation and meditation time. I really enjoy it. Like wet shaving it can be as inexpensive or luxurious as you want to make it.:thumbup1:
I've not been smoking recently, mainly for convenience's sake (it's cold here and I've not got a wind-sheltered and warm place for a puff) but I do love me a bowl or five here and there.

Have you checked out Smokers' Forums? It's easily the best pipe site on the web, great folks there.

Lots of crossover between that forum and this, if I'm not mistaken. Fiddly hobbyists in both cases.

And agreed re: the above comment that piping and wetshaving are as expensive as you want them to be. I wouldn't be particularly annoyed if I was 'cursed' to only smoke Prince Albert out of a Missouri Meerschaum corncob for the rest of my days. Though I might request the ability to get a new corncob here and there...
I smoke a pipe, actually several pipes. I also tend to go over board and spend a little to much. Normally I smoke a bowl or 2 on weekends, I find it relaxing.

Balkan Supreme FTW.
I have several pipes and blends. I enjoy a nice quiet smoke after my shave while reading this board.
DE shaver and pipe smoker here, too!

Although, with winter setting in and not being able to smoke in the house, I am exploring options to make the open porch more hospitable. I'm thinking of getting one of those patio heater lamp dealies like they have at bars and restaurants with patio seating. I have about a half a dozen pipes in rotation now with a couple of more to come at Christmas. :w00t: My current tobacco line-up is mostly Lane and Smoker's Pride aromatics which I enjoy well enough, but I also have a Balkan blend from 4Noggins that I love and I hope to restock with some Samuel Gawith at Christmas, too. I would really like to move into the more English blends.

By the by, are you familiar with the online pipe community at Youtube?

Thanks for posting!

An infrequent member of the order of the bowl here too :001_smile I have a couple of Dr Plums Billiards and just recently acquired a nice Bulldog my best pipe is an handmade Askwith which is a special 'Chap' edition pipe. I may have a bowl once a fortnight. Could not really describe myself as a tobacco addict...
i have about 10 pipes but only 4 in heavy rotation. i am one of the luck ones that my wife lets me smoke in the house as long as it dont bother her
and i also have a manroom so in there it is all good. i use blends that i pick up at a couple of shops that know. one great one if you are in alabama is the briary in birmingham
Certainly, i have one pipe per day, last thing at night with a pint or two, very pleasant. I alternate between either Bob's Chocolate Flake or Squadron Leader, both fine blends.
I used to smoke a pipe. It was a nice long one like in Lord of the Rings. I loved sitting and having a smoke. I quit because the whole smoking leading to early death.
There is also a social group on here for this, called "Brotherhood of the Briar". You can find it by clicking community, then social groups, and then "show all groups" at the bottom of the box on the right side of the screen. There are a fair number of pipe smokers around here!
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