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Any licorice lovers?

I just love licorice candies! Unfortunately they absolutely (nowhere!) available here in Lithuania, and I have only enjoyed them abroad, in Germany, especially in Denmark....
Thanks for the post, I think I am going to see if Amazon has any of them!
All the licorice products in my local grocery store ,about 25 varieties,now have Cadmium Poisoning alert signs on them !
I recently tried some Dutch licorice and could not stand it. The saltiness was not that bad, but the taste of ammonia ruined it for me.
This is what i'm talking about:
We call that "laurierdrop" ... or at least laurierdrop is very close to the pure licorice drops.
Happy to find this post. I'm gonna have to try the dutch and italian stuff. So far, my favorite is the Gimball's black licorice scotties. I buy a bunch of them once a year, eat them all in a week, and wish I could order more. But I don't. Because I can't control myself around black licorice.
Danish salmiak pastilles are excellent as well. Eating too many of them is not good for your blood pressure though.
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