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Any Fantasy Football Fans?

We did one of these two years ago where I was commissioner. It went pretty well and everyone loved me, of course. I don't know if we did one last year. If we did, I sure didn't get an invite!

My inflated ego aside, I would be willing to participate if we did one this year.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
As Champion of my league last year, it would be unfair for me to participate and take advantage of the B&B cleanshaven masses. :lol:


Head-to-head match-ups, live online draft, default Yahoo set-up (maybe some tweaks)?

Regular season starts September 5th, so we'll have to get set up soon.

Chime in, Fantasy Footballers!
Looks like we have enough guys to get a league up!

ESPN or Yahoo?

The B&B League Duckster and I were in last year was a Yahoo league, but I'm cool with either.
I find that ESPN is a little more polished and clean looking. IMO, Yahoo's screens are sort of noisy and cluttered and the ADD/DROP/MOVE operation is a little clumsy. It still works and it isn't terrible, I just like ESPN a bit more.
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