Any chance of buying NOS Gillette Bleue Extra blades anywhere? They seem to be the only blade that really works well for me. If anyone knows of a source, I'd really appreciate it.
Any chance of buying NOS Gillette Bleue Extra blades anywhere? They seem to be the only blade that really works well for me. If anyone knows of a source, I'd really appreciate it.
There are plenty of current production choices that are equal to or better than Bleue Extras, IMHO.
May I ask, just how many brands of blades have you tried thus far? To the best of my knowledge, there are no vendors that have any left in stock. Sure, people are sitting on hordes of them, but you're much better off to find another brand that's still currently being produced. There are plenty of current production choices that are equal to or better than Bleue Extras, IMHO.
Sorry, I bought pretty much all the bulk that remained from the source (rareup31 on A number of vendors also sourced their GBE's from there.
And most of the Dark (Maltese) Platinums are gone now too, you can get small amounts but not in 100-blade tucks. At least I haven't seen any lately.
The White Platinums (Cardboard Swedes) are a better blade IMO but the expense of them is crazy. Worth grabbing some to try, but they are well above $1/blade. Look for a seller called ixeira from Spain on eBay.
Otherwise, PermaSharp Supers via is your best bet - only get the cardboard version. I think these are the best value blades on the market in terms of price and performance, plus they have great availability. Gillette Silver Blues are also worth a look, but are also discontinued and run at Feather-like pricing.
Something special about the GBE's, much like many said that SI's were the best blade for them by a mile, there's also a merry band of GBE faithful who shudder to think of shaving with another blade.
I recently sent a dispenser to a couple of newish DE shavers here in Oz. I think at least one of them will be begging me to send him more, he really likes them. Best shave he has had so far he reckons, and he has tried Astras, Reds, Feather etc etc.
I found ixeira through a google search (eBay's was not location him/her) and bought a set of the cardboard swedes, thanks for that info.
I'll try the permasharp supers as well, but will need to find a vendor who is still selling broken down boxes (bestshave is only selling lots of 100 right now.
Thank you for all your help!
If you bought 20 of the Cardboard Swedes / White Platinums, then the 100 Permasharp Supers will cost less! Also plenty of people on here willing to take them off your hands.
Current production Gillette Super Platinum Blacks won't disappoint, I'd wager.
There's still a few 100 packs of Nacet Super Platinum which is very similar.
I bought up about 5 packs of bleues but I'm hanging onto them.
I love the GBE's too and have a few stashed away. I tried the Personna Reds through the Great Blade Exchange and love them too. For me they are similar in shave results.
Sorry to hear that. Send them my way for proper disposal!
Any chance of buying NOS Gillette Bleue Extra blades anywhere? They seem to be the only blade that really works well for me. If anyone knows of a source, I'd really appreciate it.
Dr. Idiot appears to have them on his website, under blade sample packs.
Dr. Idiot appears to have them on his website, under blade sample packs.
Thanks. Do you have a link to his site? I did a PM order, but would like to have it for future purchases.