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Antique Store Find - Eversharp Razor?

My wife saw this razor at an antiques shop and got it for me...I know nothing about it. Can you guys help me to ID it other than Eversharp? Is this an aggressive or mild Razor?...how should I clean it before using it? What blades would be best (I know that is subjective)...

Any help is appreciated!


You've found a Schick model G-6 amber handle. Nice variation and one that is not seen very often.

I have one. It is a great razor. You can find modern Schick brand injector blades at many pharmacies. Call around your area.


Thanks! i went to CVS and Walgreens but couldn't find any :(...I noticed the pic shows some gunk under the head...how should I clean that? I don't want to ruin the finish with the wrong stuff...

Thanks again!
Is this an aggressive or mild Razor?...how should I clean it before using it? What blades would be best (I know that is subjective)...


It is a moderate razor, Not mild and not aggressive. A nice daily driver.

You can use a soft tooth brush, warm water, and some dish soap. Looks like mostly dried lather is all. Other than that it appears to be in pretty good condition.

If there is a blade in it, remove it before cleaning as you will slice up your toothbrush and maybe even cut yourself.

to remove a blade, stick the injector key in the side and start to inject a new blade but STOP when you see the old one come out about 1/4 to 1/2 inch. Grab onto the old blade and pull it out. You should be able to back the new blade back inside the dispenser and remove the key. This will leave the razor empty.

Thanks! i went to CVS and Walgreens but couldn't find any :(

Thanks again!

Call around to the smaller independent pharmacies. The small mom and pop pharmacy at the end of my street stocks Schick injector blades. the big box stores only stock DE an SE blades, not injector blades for some reason.

This is what they look like

Awesome! Thanks...I'm sure my Dad had something like this but his was all metal...I remember Saturday mornings around 1972 or so, we would shave...I liked looking at his shiny razor...funny what we remember as kids, eh?

Thanks again for the cool info...I'm stoked to shave with it!
Oh, and you may need to sacrifice a blade in your injector magazine if you have no blade in the razor already.
Very nice score. I recently acquired my great-grandfather's razor and it appears to be the exact same model. Mine was extremely dirty and corroded when I found it but some Scrubbing Bubbles, tooth paste and an old toothbrush cleaned it up rather well. I'm currently waiting on the blades to arrive so I can finally enjoy this razor...

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Thanks! i went to CVS and Walgreens but couldn't find any :(...I noticed the pic shows some gunk under the head...how should I clean that? I don't want to ruin the finish with the wrong stuff...

Thanks again!
I would not hesitate to use a toothbrush and toothpaste. It is made of brass, so there is no finish to ruin.
Very nice score. I recently acquired my great-grandfather's razor and it appears to be the exact same model. Mine was extremely dirty and corroded when I found it but some Scrubbing Bubbles, tooth paste and an old toothbrush cleaned it up rather well. I'm currently waiting on the blades to arrive so I can finally enjoy this razor...

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Nice restoration job. Your great-grandfather is smiling somewhere there... :)
Thanks, I used some toothpaste and a dollar store new toothbrush to get it to sparkle...I'm on a mission to find some blades today...wish me luck!


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Great, great find!

You should take SWMBO out to a nice romantic dinner.

Just a note on the cleaning, and glad you used toothpaste on it, and someone correct me if I'm wrong, and it may just be that particular razor of mine...but....

On my first injector from that era I just put it in the Scrubbing Bubbles and soaked everything good...it did great on the head but took off the finish on the collar of the handle. Since then I've not put the collar in the bubbles thing...just did a polishing with very mild polish on the handle portion of it. Been careful of taking care of the handle collar since then.

I just received an order of the Chinese Schick blades; if you can't find any locally I'd be glad to PIF you a cartridge of 7 blades. Might get there quicker than an online order.

Here's a pic. of the finish loss on the collar handle that I'm talking about. The G1 is on the right (the Schick Shift in the middle I bought new in the early '70s...well, it came free with the blades). The G1 with the handle finish loss is what I have loaded now and is one of my favorite shavers.

Edit: Sacrifice a new blade or load the used blade in a dispenser and load it before loading a good blade before shaving with it...loading a new blade in a "naked" razor without something in it (that's why they came with a blank blade in them when new) will dull the blade as it hits the blade stops when being loaded from the dispenser.


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