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Antique shop find


my brain goes "thonk"
I found what I think is a Gillette Super Speed in an antique shop today. I bought it to give to a friend, but I'm having second thoughts( I've given him a lot of blades, a Parker gun metal TTO razor, homemade bay rum aftershave, and homemade aftershave balm which he used all over) so I don't feel bad about keeping it for myself. I looked at the blade bed and thwere is some rust and it is a TTO. Does anyone have thoughts on this. As I said it looks like a Super Speed from pictures I've seen.
As was already said, the rust is probably from a blade that was left in too long. I picked up a Fat Boy over the weekend that had the same sort of rust, hot water and dish soap took care of most of it, though there was a little bit still left over. A bit of toothpaste on the brush and a quick scrub and that last spot was gone.

As has already been said, pictures!
Really light-weight then?

Blue tip super speed. Made of Aluminum.

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my brain goes "thonk"
On the bottom in the upper left hand corner there is an A and in the upper right hand corner there is a 1.
The head is brass so you can't be seeing rust.

It could be crud which will clean off with some scrubbing bubbles or it could be brass showing through the plating.

A - 1 is first quarter of 1955


my brain goes "thonk"
Does anyone know where I should go to get this replated and get the stem rewelded to the blade bed?
Rewelded? It's broken? This isn't the first time I've heard of the Blue Tip handle separating from the head. I guess the aluminum is soft enough to bend away from the brass head.

No offence, but while the Blue tip is a cool razor, if you wanted a perfect one, you'd be better off buying one in perfect condition, which can be found occasionally on the BST, and often on your favorite auction site. Look to spend around $50 for a really nice one with it's case.

With that in mind... I don't think the handles were ever welded, just pushed together. So that handle used to have a smaller hold than the head plug. If the razor were mine, I might try to squeeze the top of the handle back to a smaller opening, then see if it will seat snugly on the head again.

Failing with that approach would break it more, so with a bad result, you have created trash.

They aren't highly collectible. I guess a 'light' razor just isn't manly enough to be as collectible as the heavy red-tip.


my brain goes "thonk"
I did push the blade bed down on the on the stem. It still turns if forced, but I think it might be usable. I have other razors to use(ie 38C 39C). So I'm not upset if it doesen't hold up. I saw an auction for one one ebay that said they are collectable, but that was after I purchased mine. I think I might gift it to a friend which was my initial intention.
They are collectible, just not one of the more highly desired models.
That may change though, as I think they are rarer than the Red-Tips. Maybe because they broke easily?

You certainly can't have a Gillette Super Speed collection without one!!
Very much like a standard flare-tip super speed.

But the light-weight handle does affect it a bit. It's not enough weight for me personally. I like some weight behind the razor.
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