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Another vote for Astra SP's

So far the only blades I've tried in my EJ89 have been the Derby's it came with, and Feathers. Although I've been getting DFS and BBS with this combo (EJ + Feather), I've not been without some irritation, especially in the neck area. Last week I broke down and spent a whole $10 bucks on 100 Astra blades on Amazon, figuring if I didn't like them, I'm not out much. Well they arrived on Thursday and I've shaved with this blade twice. My first thought is wow! I can definitely tell they're not quit as sharp, but are smoother than I could have imagined. Two days, and two BBS's, without any irritation, even on my neck! I can't wait to try them in my Slim!
After the first sampler I ordered (Feather, Red IP, Derby, Crystal, and Astral SP) it was a no-brainer for me. Like the feathers, but the price and features of the SP was just right, so I ordered 100. I'll probably try a few different ones before ordering another 100 SPs, but for now they are my go to blades.
I was ready to be one of those YMMV not-for-me types, but luckily Astra is great in my Merkur Progress, so I got a 200 "pack"
Yes, these are good blades with a right combination of sharp and smooth. I've been testing them lately myself and took delivery of my first box of 100 yesterday.
I never get smooth passes with Astra compared to Feather; I really wish I did though, since they're a third of the cost. YMMV
I'm the rare shaver that's not crazy about the Astras. In most of my razors, they just don't perform very well. They do great in my Old Type though. I'll use the hundred I have, but I won't buy any more.
If you didn't like the Derby, and like the AstraSP, then give the Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow a shot.
I couldn't shave with a Derby without a bloodbath... 38C or R41. The Astra was a night and day improvement, good blade for 3 shaves.
Went through a couple of those, then moved to the 7:00 Yellow and it was a bit smoother... got 4 awesome shaves out of that first one, and I was ready to go to #5 when I switched to Straights and haven't looked back.
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