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Another thread about AeroPress

Yes, that's right.

Last night I was up watching weightlifting from Rio until 0300 in the morning (due to time difference).
You know I was tired when my dog woke me up for his walk around 0730...

We went for a walk, downtown, and got ourselfs a AeroPress, a Hario Skerton and 1 pound of Ethiopian coffee (roasted 10 days ago).

What a delightful cup of coffee it can make, perfect for when I want a single cup and can't be bothered to run the Technivorm, or even think about cleaning up after a french press or a moka.

I did not do alot of research beforehand to be honest and just went with intuition. I have made 3 cups today, this is what I have settled with for now.

  1. Grinded 18g of coffee on setting "2" with the Skerton (after closing the burs completly first). The result was coarser than espresso (of course) but finer than what I would use for drip.
  2. Rinsed the paper filter under running water
  3. Then I put the plunger in the chamber until it reached about the mark of "2"
  4. Boiled some water and let it rest for about 1 min. Then poured until the chamber was half full, stired, and let it steep for about 30-40 sec
  5. Poured more water in until the chamber was full
  6. Put the filtercap on, flipped it over and pressed (took about 30-40 sec)

What method do you guys prefer when using the AeroPress? Is there another better way to do this?
I did use one, now I use a press pot..Less likely to make a mess.www.Ablebrewing.com has stainless steel filter (the fine is way to easy to bend the regaer one isn't us easy to be and.They also have golden one for 50.) that allows more oils to get to the cup..It brews best at 175, so pick up a kettle that allows you to choose temps.
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Great advice about the stainless steel filter, thanks!

A new kettle is on my wish list, I guess that will be the next thing to purchase.
I like the Able fine disk in my aeropress. I either use my breville pot to heat water or I get it from the tap of my espresso machine. Sometimes I use the inverted method but I normally stick to the standard method.
9 times out of 10 it would work.That 10th time it won't and it would make big mess all over the place..I use my coffee up faster now, 14g for aero.Now I use 34g for a 4 cup press pot..
I do it the standard way and with a paper filter. Two good scoops ground in a Mini-Mill and ~4fl.oz/125ml water.



My wallet cries.
Pretty much the same method, although I just swirl instead of stir. Also on a personal opinion side, I dont use the stainless filter, something extra to wash, and its not as if the paper filters are pricey... *shrug* ymmv.
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