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Another successful shave for a newb !

Hi guys I completed another shave today, I did 2 passes WTG then XTG and it went pretty well just some minor razor burn. I feel as though I'm starting to get the less than no pressure mantra and managed to get a pretty smooth shave as a result ! I used an ASCO super stainless in the orange wrapper it was nice and sharp but felt pretty mild at the same time. I actually just did a face wash and hot towel just to change it up a bit, and Was able to cool off easier then an after shower shave. Any input would be greatly appreciated ! :001_smile

Thanks, Marc
More passes, less pressure. Full hydration.

Shaving in the shower is best. Wash your face twice with a good quality face soap, leaving the soap on for 4 minutes or so after the second washing. Attend to other showering chores then.

Face lather over the facial soap for the first pass, adding a little to the brush for the other passes as possible without getting it runny.

It doesn't get better than an EJ89 and Personna Medical blades, but don't fret over equipment and don't feel like you've got to try everything made out there as that's not shaving...it's buying.

Tabac and a $7 Omega boar is all you'll ever need although there are few really bad choices among the typically recommended stuff on this board.

Did I say hydrate?
Thanks for the advice Ron, I've been using RazoRock lime pre shave soap. Should I be lathering on top of it or rinsing it off then lathering ?

Thanks, Marc
More passes, less pressure. Full hydration.

Shaving in the shower is best. Wash your face twice with a good quality face soap, leaving the soap on for 4 minutes or so after the second washing. Attend to other showering chores then.

Face lather over the facial soap for the first pass, adding a little to the brush for the other passes as possible without getting it runny.

It doesn't get better than an EJ89 and Personna Medical blades, but don't fret over equipment and don't feel like you've got to try everything made out there as that's not shaving...it's buying.

Tabac and a $7 Omega boar is all you'll ever need although there are few really bad choices among the typically recommended stuff on this board.

Did I say hydrate?

THIS!!! Read this, then read it again, and you will be goooood to go!

Have fun!
Thanks for the advice Ron, I've been using RazoRock lime pre shave soap. Should I be lathering on top of it or rinsing it off then lathering ?

Thanks, Marc

I just lather on top of the facial soap but there's no hard rule here. The key, always, is full hydration.

Good luck!
My only suggestion is hydration. Shaving in the shower is the only way I can get a nick free shave. If I do it at the sink, even right after a shower, nicks and weekpers no matter what I do. Hot towel to the face for 3-4 minutes, pre shave balm....never a blood free shave at the sink. Put me in the shower and my chances increase exponentially. Now, I am OCD about getting as close a shave as possible, so I will usually get some tiny weepers from trying to get my cleanup too close, but I rarely if ever get a nick/weeper from my 3 passes...unless I'm trying out new gear and don't have the angle or technique down.

Hydration. Hydration. Hydration.
I just do two passes like you do, at the sink after a shower. I stopped getting irritation and weepers only when I fully came to grips with the grain of hairs on my face. To go with the grain, I shave straight up to down above my jawline, but have to veer 45 degrees to the back (nose to ear) below the jawline. Then the ATG pass goes from ear to nose above the jawline, then 45 degrees down (still ear to nose) below the jawline. Previously I was going up to down all the way on the first pass, and that was too severe an angle into my neck hair. I noticed an immediate and dramatic reduction in irritation after I fixed my angles. I'm still dialing it in - and am realizing the left side of my neck is a little different than the right.

In general, though, I like to keep it simple. Take a shower, go to sink and lather up and shave. No pre-treatments, no oils, just make a good lather, do two passes, and begin my day.
I think stopping at two passes is a good thing while new to wetshaving. Learning to maximize the first two passes without tearing up your face is a good thing.

Oh, and congrats!
I had a very good shave today, too. Went wtg but then atg. It made for a better experience for me. Then, I went back for another pass on my neck only to clean up some missed spots. Had a really, really close shave there and am proud of it.
Thanks for the encouragement everyone ! I've been really making an effort to map my facial hair growth and I think that has really helped with closeness and lack of irritation with my shaves. Congrats crleftwich ! It's sounds as though were in a similar stage of our wet shaving journey what set up blade/razor/products have you been using ?

Thanks, Marc
Congrats crleftwich ! It's sounds as though were in a similar stage of our wet shaving journey what set up blade/razor/products have you been using ?

I've been wet shaving with a DE razor for about a week now. Been working with a mug, soap, and brush for about three weeks or so. I initally picked up a Van der Hagen Luxury set from Target for $20. It has a nice apothecary mug, luxury soap, a badger hair brush, and a nice acrylic stand. My wife bought me a Parker 99R razor and some Shark Super Chrome blades as an early birthday present. I'm still working on honing my technique for lathering and getting the best out of what I have. I usually have a few nicks still but I suppose that's to be expected.
That's pretty much how I started out too. I ordered a artificial badger, some RR pre shave soap, RR Don Marco soap with the matching balm. I was just using this set up with my fusion at first then ordered a Feather popular TTO razor and a blade sampler, all of this was ordered from shoeboxshaveshop.com. I highly recommend them, great service. How are you liking the Van Der Hagen set up ? I actually just picked up some of the select VH soap from Rite Aid last night, haven't tried it yet.
I think the brush is pretty good. The apothecary mug is awesome...well worth it. The soap isn't bad either. But, I have to say that I haven't tried anything else yet so I have nothing to compare it to.
Sounds pretty good I might have to go check my local target ! How much did you pay for it again ? Yea I'm in the same boat all I've used is my Don Marco soap, just received some proraso blue cream though and looking forward to trying it.
One thing I can't stress enough. Like ron said. Hydration. I constantly am splashing warm or hot water on my whiskers and washing my face throughout the shower before the shave.
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