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Another pipe smoking question

Is it OK to just smoke a half bowl of tobacco? A full bowl is almost a bit much for me and I end up wasting a bunch of tobacco that is left in the bowl. So Can I just fill the bowl half way and smoke it?

Thanks Steve
There is no reason not. You can even smoke half a bowl and come back to it but the flavor may not make it depending on you and the tobacco.


I usually only smoke half a bowl... the tobacco in the second half of the bowl sucks up all the juices and tars and is less desirable for me.
Loading half a bowl isn't a problem. Several guys on the forum have spoken of filling the bowl, smoking part of it, tamping it out, and putting a cork in the pipe to save the second half for later in the day.


B&B's Dr. Doolittle.
Staff member
For me, a big pipe filled part way doesn't smoke as well as a small pipe filled more fully. YMMV of course ;).
Allowing your pipe to go out to be smoked later is often referred to in the pipe-smoking community as the 'Delayed Gratification Technique' (DGT for short). This is in no way detrimental to your smokers, and can even open your eyes to a whole new set of flavours in a favourite blend - for example, Virginias will lose some of their characteristic bright notes, taking on an earthier, almost musty flavour (think dark fired); while Oriental forward blends will often take on a piquant flavour.

One caveat however, when you set your pipe aside, run a pipe-cleaner down the airway. Any moisture that is left behind will collect and pool (usually at the facing of the tenon) and pipe-spit is about the foulest flavour one can imagine.
Allowing your pipe to go out to be smoked later is often referred to in the pipe-smoking community as the 'Delayed Gratification Technique' (DGT for short). This is in no way detrimental to your smokers, and can even open your eyes to a whole new set of flavours in a favourite blend - for example, Virginias will lose some of their characteristic bright notes, taking on an earthier, almost musty flavour (think dark fired); while Oriental forward blends will often take on a piquant flavour.

One caveat however, when you set your pipe aside, run a pipe-cleaner down the airway. Any moisture that is left behind will collect and pool (usually at the facing of the tenon) and pipe-spit is about the foulest flavour one can imagine.

good advice on teh cleaner placed through the pipe whle putting aside fro DGT

and I don't recommend it with aromatics EVER. I prefer to do it with VAs (Which can be kept aside for several days) which is fortunate as that is 80% of what I smoke....but I also don't recommend 'delaying' any oriental or latakia blends for that long. At least in my own personal experience they tend to get a bit bitter after a few days of DGT. should be fine for later in the evening or the following day tho
Thanks for all the input. I've been filling the bowl a little over a half to almost 3 quarters and it seems to be working out for me.
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