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Ancient curious shaving devices

The ad says: "this device shaves without water, blade, soap, electricity and without hurting you". ]

You know you're in trouble when the ad says it won't hurt you.
Obviously just by looking at it you'd jump to the conclusion that it would indeed hurt you.
Ancient Roman razor:

And this one is just scarry:

http://blogs.princeton.edu/graphicarts/shaving machine.html pic didn't work for me, here's a link.

The references to the print are as follows:
A. A small barrel of soap suds;
B. Soap brush;
C. The razor;
D. The Master of the shop who directs the position of his customers faces. Here he is desiring the gentleman with the large nose to keep it more to the left, that is may be out of the way;
E. The Pinion wheel being turned round;
H. The machine is put in motion & brought to “E” and in passing along, the brush, followed by the razor, performs on the right cheek. The faces, the brush, & the razor, being then reversed, a contrary motion of the Wheel does the left cheek. And the faces being again turned to the front, the forebeard is done by the instrument at “I”, which finishes the shaving.

Not sure which is more frightning, the device, or the guy shooting the gun over my head as I'm getting shaved!
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