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An elegant sufficiency (mostly)

Many of us turned to DE shaving, at least to some extent, in the misguided belief that we would be able to save money.
These past 3 months I have successfully resisted any purchases beyond those which I need to operate my shaving schedule.
I ran a basic rotation between Harris' Arlington and MWF and I acquired about 60 blades, Personna Platinums are my staple with Gillette S7O'Clock yellows when I fancied a little more bite.
The two cakes of soap were 15.20 in total and the blades a little more than a fiver and I've only used about a quarter of the soap and half the blades in the 3 months so by my reckoning that's less than 50 shiny pennies a week; a little less than I spent on disposable Bics and canned foam!

I'd like to say it's been hard but every day's a fun day with MWF or Arlington :) though I'm no longer so sure about Personna Platinums.

Of course I hear the call of shaving materials acquisition syndrome but I only weakened last week in the purchase of some of a Harris' Windsor scented product. I'd only even heard of the Windsor scent recently. (I think it unfair that they should issue new fragrances when I chap's will power is at a low ebb) So, I got some for testing in the form of the deodorant which I figure isn't shaving related so doesn't count anyway. ;-)

Alas, I keep thinking to myself that I deserve some kind of reward for budgeting so effectively and not buying "needless" shaving equipment in the form of, err, some new shaving equipment.
I fear 3 months is going to be my all time record!
You're right. Many people are converted to DE shaving in part because of the lure of less money (after the initial investment, of course). What ends up happening many times is that it turns into a hobby that people like to put a lot of time and effort into researching and trying new products. We can't help that it's fun :001_smile
You're right. Many people are converted to DE shaving in part because of the lure of less money (after the initial investment, of course). What ends up happening many times is that it turns into a hobby that people like to put a lot of time and effort into researching and trying new products. We can't help that it's fun :001_smile

+1 with what James said. It sure is a fun hobby, though! Once you get it right, you faceturbate for many, many years to come. :thumbup:
I guess it's a pretty cheap hobby we run so long as we avoid straight razors and peculiarly named shaving brushes. But they're all soo pretty!

As a face latherer I am longing for a (Edited to add the word Simpson as it sounded quite obscene otherwise) Simpson chubby 1 as a reward for my "long" period of abstinence. At only 125.99 delivered, if I can make it last for 10 years that would be a miserly 25 pennies a week :)

Edited further to add, I've just discovered that a certain online vender is offering points with each purchase such that, for the very reasonable 125.99 for the super chubby 1 I can have a cake of Arlington for an extra quid! It'd be rude not to take up such an offer really!
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