Many of us turned to DE shaving, at least to some extent, in the misguided belief that we would be able to save money.
These past 3 months I have successfully resisted any purchases beyond those which I need to operate my shaving schedule.
I ran a basic rotation between Harris' Arlington and MWF and I acquired about 60 blades, Personna Platinums are my staple with Gillette S7O'Clock yellows when I fancied a little more bite.
The two cakes of soap were 15.20 in total and the blades a little more than a fiver and I've only used about a quarter of the soap and half the blades in the 3 months so by my reckoning that's less than 50 shiny pennies a week; a little less than I spent on disposable Bics and canned foam!
I'd like to say it's been hard but every day's a fun day with MWF or Arlington
though I'm no longer so sure about Personna Platinums.
Of course I hear the call of shaving materials acquisition syndrome but I only weakened last week in the purchase of some of a Harris' Windsor scented product. I'd only even heard of the Windsor scent recently. (I think it unfair that they should issue new fragrances when I chap's will power is at a low ebb) So, I got some for testing in the form of the deodorant which I figure isn't shaving related so doesn't count anyway. ;-)
Alas, I keep thinking to myself that I deserve some kind of reward for budgeting so effectively and not buying "needless" shaving equipment in the form of, err, some new shaving equipment.
I fear 3 months is going to be my all time record!
These past 3 months I have successfully resisted any purchases beyond those which I need to operate my shaving schedule.
I ran a basic rotation between Harris' Arlington and MWF and I acquired about 60 blades, Personna Platinums are my staple with Gillette S7O'Clock yellows when I fancied a little more bite.
The two cakes of soap were 15.20 in total and the blades a little more than a fiver and I've only used about a quarter of the soap and half the blades in the 3 months so by my reckoning that's less than 50 shiny pennies a week; a little less than I spent on disposable Bics and canned foam!
I'd like to say it's been hard but every day's a fun day with MWF or Arlington
Of course I hear the call of shaving materials acquisition syndrome but I only weakened last week in the purchase of some of a Harris' Windsor scented product. I'd only even heard of the Windsor scent recently. (I think it unfair that they should issue new fragrances when I chap's will power is at a low ebb) So, I got some for testing in the form of the deodorant which I figure isn't shaving related so doesn't count anyway. ;-)
Alas, I keep thinking to myself that I deserve some kind of reward for budgeting so effectively and not buying "needless" shaving equipment in the form of, err, some new shaving equipment.
I fear 3 months is going to be my all time record!