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An early morning shave vs. a shave later in the day?

Is it just me or do you guys get better shaves later in the day verses an early morning shave?

I always shave on Saturday around 11:00 or so after a full morning of swim lessons with my son or after mowing the lawn. With out fail it always seems to be much better and more comfortable afterwards. I guess my face has had a chance to awaken or soften up? Another factor is time, I have more of it.

I've taken to shaving in the evening before bed. I found I was taking longer to shave than I really had in the morning as I leave the house at 6am. I definitely get a better shave in the evening but I think this is because I have more time than first thing in the morning.
And I was thinking to be the only heretic that shaved before going to sleep instead than after waking up...

Before getting involved into wet shaving I was ripping my facial hair with an electric razor just before leaving home to go to work.It gave a poor shave but it was quick.I shaved with canned goo and a disposable razor only on sundays.

Now i take my time to shave before going to sleep,and this help me get more relaxed and to leave behind the workday stress.
And the dreaded 5'o clock shadow is not worse than when i shaved with the electric razor so i have only got advantages from the change,except for the haemorragy from my wallet as i got a minor form of RAD,SCAD and ASAD since i started reading these pages.
Another good reason to shave in the evening is you can look your best if you're going out for the night. If I shave in the morning I would get a fair bit of irritation if I then shaved to go out that night. Shaving on the previous evening before allows my face to fully recover should I want to shave at 6-7pm if I'm going out.
Funnily enough, I used to shave in the evenings after my workouts, back in the old M3/canned goo days. Mediocre at best.

Since making the change to DE's I've used it as a motivator to get me out of bed in the mornings. I find it wakes me up and leaves me feeling refreshed and ready for a day at work.:biggrin:
I have to leave the house at 7am and I'm not much of a morning person. However, I cant deal with the 5 o'clock setting in mid morning. I get up, hit the shower, pry the eyes open, and hope for the best. I have had the frantic rush to get the gear on and out the door a few times but the night before shave is not an option in my book.
CraigK said:
Is it just me or do you guys get better shaves later in the day verses an early morning shave?

I always shave on Saturday around 11:00 or so after a full morning of swim lessons with my son or after mowing the lawn. With out fail it always seems to be much better and more comfortable afterwards. I guess my face has had a chance to awaken or soften up? Another factor is time, I have more of it.


While I cannot comment on the degree of difference between morning and evening shaves, I'm willing to bet that in your case the difference has less to do with the time of day and more to do with the preceding activities. Both the physical exertion of lawn mowing as well as the high humidity of pool environments would have the effect of greatly softening your skin and hairs, opening your pores to produce superior shaves.
woodbane said:
Funnily enough, I used to shave in the evenings after my workouts, back in the old M3/canned goo days. Mediocre at best.

Since making the change to DE's I've used it as a motivator to get me out of bed in the mornings. I find it wakes me up and leaves me feeling refreshed and ready for a day at work.:biggrin:

I like that attitude very much , it so happends I did it once aswell but not to get up early for work. I was getting up at 5:00 AM to try and win a Toggle Gillette razor on Ebay, then my office Phone Rang because I had helpdesk duties that week and talked to a client a bit, lost the Toggle not a big deal, and there I was 5:45AM what to do back to sleep or shave ? I went for the shave and go early to work so I could leave early back for home.. under the hot shower I contemplated what to do to Shave or NoT to Shave because I like my Shaves in the evening around 7:00 PM usually I heard once in the army it is better to shave in the evening I cant remember why was some time ago better for the skin or hair or both it does wake you up ! and since I was up since 5:00 AM already I was pretty Funky already at 8:00 AM at work while everyone else was walking like a ZOMBIE around me running towards the Douwe Egberts Coffee machine to wake up.
Years and years ago I had heard that you get a better shave later in the day, because in the morning the face is still puffy from lying down all night. It takes a while for gravity to do its thing and drain the facial tissue of some of its fluid.

But, if you need (or want) to be clean shaven in the morning for work, you don't have much choice.
Years and years ago I had heard that you get a better shave later in the day, because in the morning the face is still puffy from lying down all night. It takes a while for gravity to do its thing and drain the facial tissue of some of its fluid.

But, if you need (or want) to be clean shaven in the morning for work, you don't have much choice.

You're on a roll today man! How far back in the archives are you reading?:lol:
I shave in the evening, after getting the kids to bed.
I just don't have the time in the morning with two kids to get ready for school and daycare, also it gives me a time to relax and get the work day out my system.
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