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An AoS straight shave...

My family and I were in Dallas recently and visited the Galleria Mall for some shopping and ice skating. While my wife and daughter shopped, I found myself with an opportunity to get my first straight shave...at Art of Shaving. The guy claimed to have 16 years straight shaving yet in conversation I found out that he doesn't shave himself. That should have been a red flag. I continued with my shave jammed up in the front window for all to see. The smell of that medicinal pre-shave that didn’t do its job, the tugging of the Merkur blade and multiple passes using a shavette made the shave a miserable experience. He missed a few spots and tried to touch it up with a balding clipper (I passed). I sported some flaming razor burn that evening. I was looking for a relaxing experience and the best part was the hot towel. Any suggestions for a straight shave in Little Rock? I’m willing to try it once more by someone who knows what they are doing before I go at it myself.
+1 on learning to do it yourself.

i don't think i'd ever let myself sit in a barbers chair for a straight shave, i've learned too much about vintage steel and how to hone and strop that i've been able to have a very decided preference ...as well as an almost perfect shave everytime.

Welcome to B&B, i hope you stick around!
My brother had a shave down here at the AoS in San Antonio and loved it. Interesting enough the people that work down here I consider numb skulls. AoS staff just don't cut it for me.

But before this turns in to a AoS rant, just google in on dallas. If San Antonio has as many as it does, i'm sure a place like dallas will have twice as many.
When I was just learning straights, I drove 60 miles to Granbury, Texas for a shave by an old-timer who had shaved with real straights since forever. He used a Shavette on me. At that time, I didn't even know he wouldn't be using a regular straight. Or, I wouldn't have made the trip.

The shave itself went well. The hot towels, the aftershave. No razor burn. But, I was very disappointed. He shaved WTG only. It wasn't very close. He missed spots. I looked shaven. That was about it!

I have been in some conversations here and at SRP. My conclusion is that you probably won't find a barbershop that gives a straight razor shave you like. I am sure there are good straight shaves out there, but chances are their straight shave will be less well done than the typical straight razor shaver here.

We just have higher standards than most barbers I suspect.
@Larry, well put. I can get a consistent DFS and maybe I was just expecting a tad too much. To the guy's credit though, he did try to get close hence the razor burn. Oh well, been there/done that. Straight shaving is in my future and I'm sure I'll be talking to you guys once I get there.
I have to say , that my shaves are as good, or better than the 1 and only barber shop shave i had in london a few years back, he did use a straight, but i thought i would be smooth all over, but still had the stuble under my chin, and uneven sideburns, tough i did enjoy the hot towells and chioce of aftershaves, but it cost a few pounds as i remember:glare:
While in Dallas look up The Boardroom Salon for Men. We have one here in my area and it is pretty nice. The franchise started in Dallas in Inwood Village on Lover's Lane. I would hope the store still owned by the founders would be as good or better than my local franchise.

I get a straight shave there about every two months. They don't do as good a job as I can at home, but it isn't bad.
We have a couple Kenney's Barber Clubs here (a franchised "old school" type men's only barber). Their haircuts are fantastic and when my friend came in from out of town I treated the two of us to their straight shaves. The lady who shaved us was very personable and it was both relaxing and comfortable. There were three hot towel wraps throughout the shave and multiple pre shave treatments. During the shave itself they have a machine that shoots steam at your face (not sure how helpful this was, but it was interesting). They use shavettes and heavily blade buff a Mach 3 on the neck. The experience itself was pleasant, but nothing too special. The shave was BBS with no irritation and the smoothness lasted about 18 hours.
I have been in some conversations here and at SRP. My conclusion is that you probably won't find a barbershop that gives a straight razor shave you like. I am sure there are good straight shaves out there, but chances are their straight shave will be less well done than the typical straight razor shaver here.

We just have higher standards than most barbers I suspect.


Negative experiences with straight razor shaves at barber shops seems to be the norm on this board.

I was at a hair salon that caters to men (you know the kind with super attractive eye candy stylists), and noticed they offered shaves for $8. I asked what they used, and she responded saying they used a disposable Bic!! :lol::lol::mad3::laugh::laugh:

A disposable Bic?? Why even bother offering this service at all? NO THANK YOU!!
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