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Amusing thrift store score


Staff member
Look What I found today in a thrift store. A 1970's Teasmade.

For those not familiar with the Teasmade, it allowed you to be woken in the morning by your alarm clock, which buzzed, turned on the light, and made you a cup of tea, all on your bedside table.

They were immensely popular in England (and by extension Australia), and they pop up in vintage stores from time to time here. This one seems to work fine, although I don't think I'll get permission to actually keep it in the bedroom.

Just a bit of fun, anyway.

My g/f does all that too. How about a trade? Both are around the same age... LOL
Cool find, I've never seen anything like it. All it's missing is a toaster.
I was thinking of hitting all of the antique shops today. They're the ones I cleared out of razors 6 months ago or so, maybe they restocked.
That is sensational, oh, hang on. If my wife had one of these to get her morning cuppa wouldn't I become redundant??
Old coffee and tea machines amuse me, I really miss the older cheap coffee drip machines that you set the time for, get up out of bed and BAM! coffee's made for you already, no having to touch that pesky switch and wait around for the water to drip through.
An old woman friend of mine used to have one of those and I hated the damned thing! Wake up to a nice cup of tea it said.

The thing would start gurgling and rattling like an old steam engine at least 15 minutes before the alarm went off and I lost that much needed sleep every time. Never been keen on tea or coffee in bed anyway, I always slopped it!



Staff member
An old woman friend of mine used to have one of those and I hated the damned thing! Wake up to a nice cup of tea it said.

The thing would start gurgling and rattling like an old steam engine at least 15 minutes before the alarm went off and I lost that much needed sleep every time. Never been keen on tea or coffee in bed anyway, I always slopped it!


12 minutes. I timed it. :lol:
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