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I was thinking of buying some samples. Am I just asking for trouble? The prices on that stuff make Creed look almost reasonable!
I was thinking of buying some samples. Am I just asking for trouble? The prices on that stuff make Creed look almost reasonable!

Yes and no. If you have to have a bottle rather than a decant it is pricey stuff indeed. But it is also pretty strong, at least the ones I have had, so it arguably goes a little further than most.

It is a house you should experience, given that you are into these things! I personally have had some and have not felt compelled to buy a bunch. No doubt about the quality to me, though. Not an every day thing for me to want to wear though, at least among the ones I have spent time with. Memoir Man might be different though. I had a small taste, but I would really like to put some study into it. My impression is that there are similar scents that are as attractive to me or more so, that are more conventional and a lot less expensive.

On the other hand, I seem to be the only one around that really likes Amouage Gold Man. It does seem uniquely sweet and masculine at the same time. Although I think either that the advertising copy or Luca Turin said that you have to have a certain confidence as a guy to wear it. I do not normally think of myself as all that confident when it comes to very sweet scents.

That narrative does not help a bit, does it, O? I guess I would say that no matter what the hype/buzz, no scent to me is Nirvana--or at least no scent stays Nirvana.

Call me permiscous, I suppose. "Every day fall[] in love, and every night fall[]" as Lou Reed said.
As a frequent cologne forum contributer, you should try them, yes.

I think they are all very good, but none of them grab me too much. But I'm glad I've experienced them. I don't know that they will drive you into an AD frenzy. Might find one you really do like though.

I recommend Dia Man. It's kind of the "daytime" version of Amouage Gold Men. Gold is nice, but to me very over the top for the kind of daily scent wearing most of us do. Rich and formal.

Dia Man is a very civil and unique scent. I wouldn't begin to know how to describe it. Threads on Basenotes looking for similar scents turned up nothing. When I spray it on I think "this smells like expensive shyt."
...so maybe I will get some decants. Just to help out the forum, of course! :biggrin1:

If you are doing it for the forum, I might suggest you consider their attars, such as Tribute and Homage. Those two in particular are my favorites from Amouage, not that I have tried a lot.

I am not sure how big of decants you are looking to purchase, but if you are wanting simply samples, and have some 1ml vials you can send me, I am happy to share some of the small decants I bought at cost...as opposed to TPC prices.
If you are doing it for the forum, I might suggest you consider their attars, such as Tribute and Homage. Those two in particular are my favorites from Amouage, not that I have tried a lot.

I know there have been other threads about attars, but I have pretty much skipped over them in the interest of retirement and my kid's college education. How does one even use an attar? (I may have to draw the line before going there . . .)

I am not sure how big of decants you are looking to purchase, but if you are wanting simply samples, and have some 1ml vials you can send me, I am happy to share some of the small decants I bought at cost...as opposed to TPC prices.

That's very kind of you, and I appreciate it, but it's probably easier for me to just order from Lucky Scent than to scrounge around for vials. I stupidly tend to throw them out when I'm done with samples.
Amouage is well worth exploring IMO. I tried several of the EDT style frags on a trip to London last summer and ended buying Jubilation XXV. It is now one of my regular scents very well put together and long lasting.

Michael generously included decants of some attars with something I bought from him. They are spectacular and one drop is good for at least a day.

As for the slippery slope towards high cost frags - that's part of what you signed up for wasn't it?
I'm scared of Amouage... I know it is only a matter of time before I break down and order samples of the whole line from Lucky Scent.
I've only tried one -- Jubilation XXV -- but was absolutely bowled over by the sheer masculinity and opulence of the scent. Starts out like a bowl of potpourri and then suddenly turns into one of the finest frags this nose has ever encountered. It's the scent of kings. It's what men should smell like. It's joyous.

But is it worth $290 for 100ml? Heck no. I think with Amouage you're paying for the name and the connections to Arab royalty.
I really liked the Amouage Memoir Man. It seems to be a more polarizing offering from the house, but I think it's worth trying...
Just got the 6 (2.5 ml each) sampler set today/tonight. Just "tested" Dia, Gold & Reflection. Dia is in the lead but like them all. More formal testing tomorrow!
Yesterday was my better half's parent's 50th anniversary. It was an excellent opportunity to try out the little sample vial of Amouage XXV that I had purchased from Lucky Scent. Personally, I loved it - got extra special treatment from the service staff. But no one commented on it. It dried down to a nice unassuming and gentle waft. No clubbing anyone with the sillage (which is what I expected on first impression). It was still clearly there at bedtime some 8 hours later. I am still going the rounds with the rest (and an additional order) of the samples, but this one, Knize 10 and Al Oudh are my top favorites so far. You might want to also compare Montale's black oudh.
Since I posted this thread I've had the opportunity to sample a number of Amouage scents. (Thanks to a fellow member for setting me up with most of them!)

Briefly, I think it's a vey interesting house and definitely worth trying if you like to explore new fragrances. As you might expect there were some I liked (Tribute, Dia Man, Epic Man, and to a lesser extent Jubilation XXV), and some that I didn't (Memoir Man, Lyric Man, Homage). If money were no object, I might buy one or two, but ultimately there was really nothing I found myself thinking was a must-have.

I'd still kind of like to try Silver Man, even though it sounds like a vitamin for a vigorous older gent.

I would recommend Epic Man to those of you who like oud. I actually liked it better than any of the Montale oud scents I tried recently.
Since I posted this thread I've had the opportunity to sample a number of Amouage scents. (Thanks to a fellow member for setting me up with most of them!)

Briefly, I think it's a vey interesting house and definitely worth trying if you like to explore new fragrances. As you might expect there were some I liked (Tribute, Dia Man, Epic Man, and to a lesser extent Jubilation XXV), and some that I didn't (Memoir Man, Lyric Man, Homage). If money were no object, I might buy one or two, but ultimately there was really nothing I found myself thinking was a must-have.

I'd still kind of like to try Silver Man, even though it sounds like a vitamin for a vigorous older gent.

I would recommend Epic Man to those of you who like oud. I actually liked it better than any of the Montale oud scents I tried recently.

Lyric Man was way too feminine for my taste. XXV, Gold & Reflection are my favorites of the 6. As good as some are none were a "Must-Have".
Dia is incredible! It's the most I've spent for a fragrance (and all of mine are "niche" frags in the $100 range), but I didn't regret it.

You can get samples, so try before you buy...
Dia is incredible! It's the most I've spent for a fragrance (and all of mine are "niche" frags in the $100 range), but I didn't regret it.

You can get samples, so try before you buy...

The first time I wore Dia Man I was blown away by it and thought I might have to get a bottle. I still liked it on subsequent wearings, but the euphoria faded enough to spare my wallet.
You're right about the cost. Amouage is not cheap. (Split a bottle with friends?) But it is exceptional (even if you don't like the way some smell). I wish it weren't so costly--maybe it's the packaging, in part--but I am happy to pay for my two favorites, Dia and Silver (homme).
Amouage is rich and intense, like Serge Lutens, but to my nose, the richness and intensity are held in check (and of the fruitiness, there is none). In short, it's worth the price of samples. If a sample works, it's worth the price of a decant. (Heck, it's hard to use all the juice I've got already.)
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