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American products for the British Shaver...

Hi, my wifes uncle is coming over from the US in a few weeks, I was just wondering if there is any "Must Try" products which are either unavailable online or are stupid money when it comes to selling online / internationally

So far, on my list is:

Pinaud-Clubman Aftershave Lotion


Lucky Tiger Three Purpose Hair Tonic


Bay Rum


Pinaud-Clubman Talc


What else can I add to my list?

They need to be less than $10! :laugh:
Clubman Limesec
Clubman Vegitol
Aqua Velva Musk
Old Spice LimeFresh/Original (Indian)
GodRej cake soap
Arko sticks?
williams shaving soap. Many people hate it but it's a pretty good soap when you get the lathering down (use a LOT of water) it's less than $2 anyway so even if you hate it it's no big deal...

Regular aqua velva is an amazing after shave.

are you looking for american products or product sold more cheaply here?

C.O. bigelow sells rebranded proraso shaving cream at bath and body works. and of course if he has an art of shaving store nearby they sell great soaps and creams...
How are you fixed for blades? Any drugstore would be a good source for ASR blades or GEM SE blades. Or you might want to have a WCS or BullGoose sampler pack drop-shipped to your uncle so he can pack it along to you and avoid the high cost of international shipping.

Although there's not much in the line of commercial shaving goods produced in the USA, this country is becoming a rich source for Artisan and Craftsman made products. Mama Bear, SCS, QCS, and others all produce some terrific soaps and creams and aftershaves that I doubt you'll find outside North America.

Same is true for the craftsman that produce hardware like brushes and razor handle upgrades. This would include Rudy Vey, Tradere, cooncatbob (RIP), and others.

Finally ... got anything lined up for him to take home on his return trip? There's a lot of Americans (like me) that are clamoring for vintage British Gillette DEs and numerous brands of straight razors. And of course, the famous 3T lines of software are always in demand.

And while he's there visiting, why not plan a special day-trip to London to get a haircut at T&H and go shopping on Old Bond Street? Who knows, you might get him hooked and turn him into one of us.


I got moves like Jagger
Captain's Choice Bay Rum
More than $10 (~$18), but made by one of our own members and from what I can tell, everyone seems to have nothing but good things to say about it.
Although not shaving products, you may want to look into CeraVe cleansers and moisturizers if they aren't available where you're at. IMO it's great stuff. Maybe it's in my head, but since I started using the cleanser and moisturizer, I've noticed that shaving overall has improved.

VdH Luxury Shave Soap. Very nice, inexpensive gives a great shave.
And the VdH brushes ... especially the white-handled DELUXE brush, available at CVS drugstores for $8.29 the last time I looked.

While SBAD makes one turn up our noses at VdH brushes, they are perfectly serviceable as an entry level beginner's tool. I keep a few on hand to include in starter kits. I do give them a quickie break-in prior to giving them away, though. Nothing is sure to turn off a newbie wet-shaver faster than putting a raw boar brush to his face, so putting it through a couple weeks of break-in and several test-lathers will get it to the point where it will be usable the first time out of the box.
Chiller you gotten some great suggestion and I am going to suggest you consider ordering some shave soaps, creams, and sticks from some of the Artisan Soap makers that we talk so much about here on this forum. You can have them delivered to your uncles residence. Mama Bear sells shave sticks, QCS sells a new aftershave balm, and Mike's Natural Shave Soaps, and Mystic Water Shave Soaps can be purchased for less than $10 if you just get the puck refill. Here are their links so study them and take advantage of your Uncle's visit.



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