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Am I the only one who does not use any kind of soap?

I've been shaving with my DE razor blade for over a year now without any kind of soap or shaving cream. I shave after the shower[no shampoo/soap neither] and my skin feels great.

Another aspect; I know I can look good without harming any animal[badger brush, strops].
I've been shaving with my DE razor blade for over a year now without any kind of soap or shaving cream. I shave after the shower[no shampoo/soap neither] and my skin feels great.

Another aspect; I know I can look good without harming any animal[badger brush, strops].

You may not be the only one, but I'm sure they're not many. Besides considering some type of lubrication absolutely necessary to keep my face from looking as if it was just released from the clutches of Freddie Kruger, I personally find using different soaps and creams in conjunction with a good brush to be one of the most enjoyable parts of shaving. As for the animal thing...they do make synthetic brushes.
I've been shaving with my DE razor blade for over a year now without any kind of soap or shaving cream. I shave after the shower[no shampoo/soap neither] and my skin feels great.

Another aspect; I know I can look good without harming any animal[badger brush, strops].

You are, no doubt, a brave man with a hide of kevlar!
You're missing out on the fun of a good soap or cream, lathered by a great brush. Do you perform a 4 pass shave?
I've been shaving with my DE razor blade for over a year now without any kind of soap or shaving cream. I shave after the shower[no shampoo/soap neither] and my skin feels great.

I'd use some kind of soap, at least. Aside from the fact that it makes everything easier to cut and less likely to cause irritation, it's just basic hygiene...you're not going to properly clean yourself sans soap. Remember, shaving is a traumatic experience on the skin, and you're going to cause cuts you can't even see...you don't want a dirty face when you get all those micro-cuts. Also, you might be able to use a sharper blade or more aggressive razor with soap than without, so you'll probably be able to get a better shave (or at least quicker) shave.

Aside from which, a warm lather in the morning feels great on its own merits.

Another aspect; I know I can look good without harming any animal[badger brush, strops].

You could always use a horse-hair brush...they're clipped from the horse's tail, so no harm comes to the animal. Vie-Long is the only brand-name company I know of that makes horse brushes, and I know Bullgoose stocks those.
+1 on the horse. You can find inexpensive , but nice Turkish and Pakistani brushes on the Bay. KMF or Jason's, or shave oil applied by hand is also a possibility. Works great! Come to think of it: I started with a Bamboo Blush Brush as like you I like animals. That worked great with KMF (see the reviews here on that brush). Anyway: I "need" soap, cream or shave oil to shave. My skin does not take a shave otherwise.
It's honestly never occurred to me that anybody *could* do this, although I have heard of people using just shave oil.

If it works, it works. It's interesting to read about the different ways that people do things, but I don't think I'll try to copy you on this. I've noticed enough difference in the past when I just had an inferior lather.

By the way, another option for an animal friendly brush is a synthetic. I rarely use mine, but it works okay for creams.

On the other hand, if you're happy with things the way they are, why argue? Just out of curiosity, what razor and blades do you use?
chiming in with my two'pennorth...

I agree with the other posters - the shave is a whole experience, of which the soap/cream/brush combination plays but a small part.

I admire and respect your principles regarding animals but there are alternatives which may be used should you wish to avail yourself of the delights. :thumbup1:
Can't hurt to try a quality shave cream or soap, they actually help quite a bit and leave your skin much healthier than otherwise. If you decide after that to continue going without, at least you'll be doing it with full knowledge.
Back when I was using a single-blade disposable, I didn't use soap or cream either. I would shave just after the shower, and if I was quick enough, it worked fine. With the DE, though, I like to take a little more time, and with the lather on the face I can take as long as I want without the whiskers drying out. It makes for a more relaxed experience.

I use a Parker synthetic brush and veg soap, currently Van der Hagen, but I'm planning to try others. I also have some creams that I'm using up mostly on a superlather basis, but I prefer soaps.

Definitely a better shave with the DE than with the single-blade disposable. The Parker brush works very well, but a horsehair brush with a wooden handle has esthetic appeal to me, and I'm thinking about it.
So you don't use any sort of soap/shampoo/cleaning stuff of any kind? Regular body cleaning or otherwise?

How do you stop from smelling like: :9898: ?
In a pinch, you can strop a straight on a nice slab of bacon.

It's my understanding that regular bacon production harms the pig. Organic bacon, however, grows on trees and helps combat global warming by absorbing greenhouse gases. Also, as pig-trees produce no methane, it's really a triple benefit.
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