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Am I dumb in doing this???

I just picked up a Omega Marvy Boar #4 shaving brush super cheap and plan on using it with the cake soaps, but mostly shave with my Vulfix Badger and creams.
So to break in this new brush I soak it in hot water for a while then mix a batch of shampoo in a bowl with hot water every day and work it fairly hard to break in the brush, as it will only see intermittent use, and I want this brush broken in quickly so I can enjoy it more when I do use it. Am I nuts for doing this or is there a better way??? :blink:
Seems like a good way to do it. I know some people also swear by using hair conditioner on their new brushes as well. Enjoy! Those Omega Boars a nice brushes at a ridiculously low price.
I used a blow dryer on my omega boar bristle to cause the ends to split. This helped break in the brush so that it was softer on my face but still firm.
The shampooing will get rid of the smell, but it's a slow way to split the tips. Using the brush is the best way.
Be careful using a hair dryer. The high heat may cause the bristles to dry out enough to break rather than split. Most Omegas also have a black plastic retaining ring at the knot. This is also susceptible to cracking.
I bought a cheap puck of Williams and made a test lather every second day (let the brush dry completely between use) for 2 weeks. The tips split enough to use and have gotten better since. It also got rid of the stink. I like the smell of Williams, but some may prefer the boar smell. :001_tongu

- Peter
When I got my second and third boar brushes, I just soaked them in water, lathered, rinsed, dried, and repeated a couple of times a day. A week of that before I used them and they were very nicely on the way to being broken in.

Oh yeah, they were an Omega something or other and a Semogue 1520
I just dumped my boar brush out of the box and started using it....it broke in at its own time. Why push it?
Yeah, I've never done anything extra to break in my brushes. I'm keeping them for years and years, what's a few weeks of break-in?
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