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Alun bloc

As far as I know they're all the same. I bought the cheapest I could find and I've been very happy with it. But then again, maybe I've been missing out. I'm curious to see what others have to say on the subject.
I'm a chemist IRL. There are several chemicals that are called "alum," but there's only one sold for shaving. I buy the cheapest I can find on the 'Bay.
Alum is alum when using potassium based alum, so it shouldn't matter.
There is Ammonia based alum, which I believe is harsher, but not used (usually at least) for shaving.

Go ahead and enjoy your alum.
Alum is alum when using potassium based alum, so it shouldn't matter.
There is Ammonia based alum, which I believe is harsher, but not used (usually at least) for shaving.

Go ahead and enjoy your alum.
Ammonium Alum is used in various underarm deodorants they sell here. It stings a tiny bit more, doesn't go on quite as easily, but does work.


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I got a big 'ol mouthful of alum tonight, don't do this.:ohmy:

Funny. a buddy told a guy at work, who was new to DE, to dab the alum on his tongue to get it wet before dabbing on his cut :biggrin1: needless to day, he was not impressed after he did it. :001_tt2:

what are friends for, if not to give bad advise.

i always use the OSMA alum. it's a nice size bar, no sharp edges and lasts a long time. i pretty much only use it for small cuts/nicks and to use on my fingers to allow for better skin stretching grip and gripping of the slippery brush handles etc.


Alum is alum when using potassium based alum, so it shouldn't matter.
There is Ammonia based alum, which I believe is harsher, but not used (usually at least) for shaving.

Go ahead and enjoy your alum.

This couldn't be further from the truth.

Alum is NOT alum. That would be like saying all water is the same.

There is a reason why some alum stones have yellowish and brownish tinge.

Good quality alum is refined before it's crystallized. There are also many different ways for crystallizing and curing the stone (pay close attention to the veining). Some pieces are even hand worked to ensure smoothness.
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I have some potassium alum that is marketed as a deodorant in a stick. It does the job fine for me for shaving purposes.
I have expensive the Trumpers Alum block, and the dirt cheap Ali Biyakli one from Turkey ebay. I can't tell any difference between the two.
Hey RazoRock

Could you give me the name of the brand, in your opinion, That has the highest quality. and I will buy it and compare it to a cheapycheapy Aly Byrkily.

thanks for all response.

This couldn't be further from the truth.

Alum is NOT alum. That would be like saying all water is the same.

There is a reason why some alum stones have yellowish and brownish tinge.

Good quality alum is refined before it's crystallized. There are also many different ways for crystallizing and curing the stone (pay close attention to the veining). Some pieces are even hand worked to ensure smoothness.
I don't really get nicks or cuts but I've been really interested in trying out an Alum Block to see how it feels. I'll probably add a Bloc Osma Alum Block or the RazoRoc Alum stick to my next shaving order, they both seem really well made. Edwin Jagger makes one but it's over twice the cost and the smallest.
I have a small styptic pencil that cost about 1$ from a local drugstore years ago. I recently bought an AOS block of alum. I like the block... I can rub it over my entire face and as I do, I notice the stinging in places where I've nicked myself but it doesn't show. I have taken to using the block even when I don't a bleeder that's showing, and I can feel it working.

So... the AOS block for $19 seems like it was an extravagant purchase, but it likely has more than 19 times the material that was in the 1$ styptic pencil!
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