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Alpine skiing?

Crazy pattern of snowfall on Mt Hood this year. Suddenly in April we zoomed up above average in our 6000' base snow.

Settled Tline base snow so thru April 15:
Almost as steep a first half April curve as the second half of December. About 50" of settled snow base was just added. My son's spring pass was a great purchase!
Another crazy snow year on Mt Hood:

So I didn't ski until the last half of January. Lots of bluebird days this year. My ski crew is changing a lot, but new players include old friends, new friends, and family members returning to the sport. Old friends have moved or reduced their skiing, my eldest son has shifted to more mountaineering and associated AT skiing.

The unpleasant topper was an attic/roof fire at historic Timberline Lodge last night.

I plan to ski at Timberline until Memorial Day. Usually, most of my May skiing is solo.
Nice thread..!
North America, I tried a few Canadian resorts, Banff area is great.
Europe, for downhill skiing, among my favourites are Sella Ronda in the Dolomites, Italy, and Sierra Nevada, close to Granada in Andalucia, Spain. Southern Spain is not what springs first to mind for a skiing resort, but skiing is excellent, and post-skiing unsurpassed ... In Granada...!
In fact, I am more into Nordic off-trail skiing in Norway these days (fjell-ski), but that's a different story.
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