I love the smell of my Proraso pre-shave, so I figured that it was time to try out the old trusty green Proraso soap. I absolutely LOVED it. Super cheap, smelled great to me and I got the best shaves of my life with it. I was ready to concede my shaving life to my fine Italian friends. At around this time (i realized later), i started getting these weird allergic reactions. My lip(s) would occasionally swell up (to comic proportions) and my back and neck would get crazy rashes on them. I was rotating soaps at this point, so it took me a few weeks to work through things and pin it on the Proraso. Which was a big disappointment. I've since noticed that I have a similar, but less sever, reaction to the pre-shave as well. I'm guessing that it is either the eucalyptus oil or maybe the menthol. Anyone else have this happen?
Since i liked the soap so much, I think I'll try the white Proraso and see if I have any better luck. But I don't really know what to do about the pre-shave. The review section of the site doesn't have a dedicated pre-shave area, so they seem to be scattered around. Guess i'm gonna start hunting for a new one. If any sensitive skin types have any ideas, i'm open to it.
Since i liked the soap so much, I think I'll try the white Proraso and see if I have any better luck. But I don't really know what to do about the pre-shave. The review section of the site doesn't have a dedicated pre-shave area, so they seem to be scattered around. Guess i'm gonna start hunting for a new one. If any sensitive skin types have any ideas, i'm open to it.