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All unshaved guys will be punished!!

Another drift as a front cover story at every national newspapers: coercive fees are being charged to all unshaved workers of Savinor. Being workers at a meat industry they have deliveries to make (butchers and so on) each delivery worker unshaved will be charged € 10 /US 14 a day. Some vigilantes will be nominated for the task...:cursing: For portuguese readers...


PCP or Portuguese Comunist Part. is denunciating the abuse


UPS disallows beards. Their drivers must be clean shaven, but can have a mustache IIRC.
back in college i had a goatee while i worked at the local grocery store, and one of the ladies i worked with had longer facial hair than me...
"...punished!!" to me would mean that the unshaven person is treated like Richard Gere in "An Officer and a Gentleman" until shaving becomes second nature. A fine is no big deal.
Thank you. Did it translated the beard article in english? I can't find it...

Like I said, I didn't look through it, I just translated the link that was provided. I did a glance at the story tag lines and nothing seemed to look like what the OP was talking about...
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