I think I was a bit too excited to shave when reaching for the packet of blades today. I allowed myself to loss focus and didn't think about the fact I already opened the pack. The blades remaining in the pack went flying around the room (grabbed the pack from the closed edge) and one fell in the toilet. Dangit! I almost felt I needed to pour some mouth wash down the drain for my fallen buddy.
While shaving today (this is my 3rd shave with a DE) I recognized that even though my confidence is growing, my slathering seems to be getting better, I am holding the razed as parellel to my face as possible without loosing the cutting of the blade, I'm still not seeming to get a really clean shave, like the blade is not able to cut the hair. Can anyone give any insight?
A little background. I am using a ej89, astra platinum blades, am showering before hand, bowl slathering but applying for about a min or so each time to exfoliate with brush. I am doing wtg, xtg, then atg. Thank you in advance!
While shaving today (this is my 3rd shave with a DE) I recognized that even though my confidence is growing, my slathering seems to be getting better, I am holding the razed as parellel to my face as possible without loosing the cutting of the blade, I'm still not seeming to get a really clean shave, like the blade is not able to cut the hair. Can anyone give any insight?
A little background. I am using a ej89, astra platinum blades, am showering before hand, bowl slathering but applying for about a min or so each time to exfoliate with brush. I am doing wtg, xtg, then atg. Thank you in advance!