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Ahab frustrations

Inked up my Ahab again today for the first time in about a month and it was business as usual. Every time I clean it and fill it, I seem to spend the better part of the day getting it to write properly. Filled with BBB and when it writes, I really like it. Unfortunately it has a tendency to not start, and to quit writing if I leave it idle for more than 2 minutes.

I had picked up a Pilot Varsity in December when I was in the big city (trying to get used to using a little pen) and it finally went dry so thus, the need for the Ahab. I'm thinking it may be easier to get accustomed to using skinny little pens rather than have to keep getting frustrated with the Ahab. A super sharpie is my usual writing instrument so I look for fat-bottomed pens but there aren't many out there in my price range. The good news is there are a lot more inexpensive skinny, little pens out there than inexpensive fat-bottomed pens.

I may use the Ahab for my first attempt at nib grinding or I may give it another chance.


Fridays are Fishtastic!
I grew way to frustrated with mine, and finally traded them. My problem was with the feed too far in, it wouldn't write. Pull it out just a little bit and it wrote fine, but the back of the feed was always very wet. Just for reference, I got 2 Sheafer No-Nonsenses (one with italic nib) which I eyedroppered, a Sheafer School pen also EDed (the wife snagged it, though), a Lamy Vista and a bottle of BSB. I have been very happy with that trade. I keep the NNs at work, and use them about 1 day a week, and the Lamy Vista is being used for ink samples I received (currently loaded with Pelikan Royal Blue).
I think the biggest problem with the AHABS is quality control. Some people get them and they write fine, others have nothing but problems with them. Seems like a buy one and hope scenario. I really like the look but am growing ever more weary of pulling the trigger on one.
Is this an older Ahab? Have you tried a newer one? Or, what about a Konrad? I bought one of the Ebonite Konrads after I wrote off Noodler's Pens. It is a piston filler, holds a good amount of ink and is Ebonite and only cost 40 bucks. I was very surprised by the pen, in a good way. When used as just a pen, not trying to add any flashy flex, the pen performed great! I do not know if I would ever buy another Ahab, but this pen was worth the gamble!
I have two Ahabs inked right now - I offered up my cobalt blue demonstrator to the evil Baystate Blue (diluted the ink 1-to-1 with distilled water, by the way) and it is writing wonderfully with a flex nib. I have a clear demo loaded with Black Swans in Australian Roses - and I'm using a Knox OB nib. Works well.

Now - I can not get that demo to write worth beans with the original flex nib - can't figure it out, but I've had a couple of different Knox nibs in it, and no problem at all.

I second Dave's account of the Konrads, and especially the Konrad Ebonite pens. I'm loving 'em.

Disclaimer: I am obviously a Noodler's fanboy and thus cannot be trusted!


Fridays are Fishtastic!
Disclaimer: I am obviously a Noodler's fanboy and thus cannot be trusted!

How are the Bumblebee and Arizona treating you? I would be interested if you did anything that I didn't think of. I really loved that Bumblebee look, being a Steelers fan and all. I may give one another go someday.
Is this an older Ahab? Have you tried a newer one? Or, what about a Konrad? I bought one of the Ebonite Konrads after I wrote off Noodler's Pens. It is a piston filler, holds a good amount of ink and is Ebonite and only cost 40 bucks. I was very surprised by the pen, in a good way. When used as just a pen, not trying to add any flashy flex, the pen performed great! I do not know if I would ever buy another Ahab, but this pen was worth the gamble!

An older one PIFed from you after I lost mine. Despite the frustrations with it I still think it has possibilities.
one thing that frustrated the heck out of me with one of the Ahabs I've fired up was getting the slit in the feed lined up with the slit in the nib - some of the feeds seem to be carved off-center; once I got that squared away, all was well. And maybe yours just has irredeemable problems - but lining up the nib & feed carefully might be something to check out before you give up.

I do accept that a commercially sold product should work as advertised right out of the box - and "quirky" isn't really a great selling point. That said, and recognizing I may have too much time on my hands (certainly I have too much ink on 'em!) - I really enjoy farting around with the Noodler's pens - and I've got a run of 'em. I think they're getting better as they evolve.

(Speaking of quirky products that don't work as advertised - I cannot for the life of me get a good lather from MWF - I blame myself.)

to oc_in_fw: the Arizona Ahab is a piece of cake - the Bumblebee has some trouble that may be irredeemable - but I can use the parts!

Hey - anyone have one of the early Noodlers Ebonite aerometric/eyedropper in mottled brown he'd be willing to part with?
ah. Which is "better"? in the grand scheme of things... not neccessarily just those two?

Just as far as Noodlers go, I think some people were having problems with the plunger style, sticking. Not sure if that's why they made the change or not. Maybe it had something to do with the size of the pen. Or maybe they just wanted to change it up a bit.
Just as far as Noodlers go, I think some people were having problems with the plunger style, sticking. Not sure if that's why they made the change or not. Maybe it had something to do with the size of the pen. Or maybe they just wanted to change it up a bit.

The early runs of Ahabs had problems with the plungers- the o-rings used would stick. The later runs have adopted a new o-ring and they work much better. Keep your o-rings lubed for better performance and longer life of your Ahab, Konrad or other.
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