Inked up my Ahab again today for the first time in about a month and it was business as usual. Every time I clean it and fill it, I seem to spend the better part of the day getting it to write properly. Filled with BBB and when it writes, I really like it. Unfortunately it has a tendency to not start, and to quit writing if I leave it idle for more than 2 minutes.
I had picked up a Pilot Varsity in December when I was in the big city (trying to get used to using a little pen) and it finally went dry so thus, the need for the Ahab. I'm thinking it may be easier to get accustomed to using skinny little pens rather than have to keep getting frustrated with the Ahab. A super sharpie is my usual writing instrument so I look for fat-bottomed pens but there aren't many out there in my price range. The good news is there are a lot more inexpensive skinny, little pens out there than inexpensive fat-bottomed pens.
I may use the Ahab for my first attempt at nib grinding or I may give it another chance.
I had picked up a Pilot Varsity in December when I was in the big city (trying to get used to using a little pen) and it finally went dry so thus, the need for the Ahab. I'm thinking it may be easier to get accustomed to using skinny little pens rather than have to keep getting frustrated with the Ahab. A super sharpie is my usual writing instrument so I look for fat-bottomed pens but there aren't many out there in my price range. The good news is there are a lot more inexpensive skinny, little pens out there than inexpensive fat-bottomed pens.
I may use the Ahab for my first attempt at nib grinding or I may give it another chance.