I acquired this razor today and have looked all over for the age of this razor. It seems in too good of shape to be from when I researched it to. Circa 1919-1945. Could this be possible? Did I find that unused razor that is that old? Pics below.
I found a Shumate blade in similar condition at a flea market a while back...the scales were shot (broken in three places) and dingy looking, but somehow or other, the blade was near mint. I couldn't understand that at all, but at $10, I don't question providence. So I bought that blade, stopped off at one of the many pocket knife vendors who sells new razors (Tomahawk brand). The blades are crap, but the scales look OK for $5. So, I took the lot home and repinned the Shumate in the new scales and it's been good ever since.