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Against the growth shaving?

Who actually does a complete ATG pass? I manage this without too much damage on the neck and the area under my jawline but never above. Shaving my chin and beneath my nose would surely turn out a complete massacre. Most I can do is a XTG on these parts of my face. Even the cheeks are difficult. I'm a skinny guy and have somewhat sunken cheeks which make a ATG pass difficult even with skin stretching. Perhaps this may come with more practice and experience (I'm somewhat at 100 shaves). Many manufacturers (TI is one) recommend only WTG passes but this does not really satisfy me. So what I do is this: first pass: WTG on all of my face. Second pass: cheeks: WTG with a scything motion. Chin, mustache area and jawline: XTG. Under the chin: ATG. A third pass with the same routine. The result is fair but not perfect. BTW: my skin does not really like XTG and ATG passes on a daily basis so I do some WTG only shavings in between. What do you think? Any recommendations.

Edit: forgot to mention. I shave straight. That!s why I chose to post it here.
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Skinny guy here too. Try puffing out your cheeks and stretching below your razor hand. For my chin I simply pull my lower lip over my teeth. That area, for me, takes a lot of commitment. It's probably my toughest spot to go ATG w/o razor burn. Under my nose is always a downward motion for me. Too little room for error under there. I enjoy my nose attached to my face.
I do a hybrid ATG.

Meaning I'll go ATG as much as I can.

As soon as I feel burning or the 4 to 5 passes on a certain area haven't cleared it, I'll pass.

I once did a whole proper BBS but my face was sore for the day. Not worth it.
ATG daily. Only way for me to get a DFS+ or BBS.
I may get a weeper or two under my chin likely b/c my technique probably fails a bit at the weird angle. Basically I try to keep the blade near flat going ATG. My beard is thick and strong so I need this pass in order to feel like I've really had a shave. I find that some nice heft to the blade helps to balance the pass.
My skin is sensitive so I can't compensate by doing more WTG or XTG passes instead of the ATG or that will result in irritation along with inadequate results.
Fairly routine 3 pass shave (WTG, XTG, ATG maybe with some scything around the corners of my mouth), rinse, slap the alum on my face and let it do its thing while I clean up. Then rinse and and a nice AS splash and I'm good to go.
I find the ATG the most rewarding part of the shave.
i do all three WTG XTG & ATG every day with some touch ups sometimes. this without burn or irritation. i am a long time straight shaver, about 6 yrs. now i guess and i shave daily. i find a very sharp smooth edge is mandatory for comfort and technique is comes with practice. i seldom get cuts unless my attention wanes. i think muscle memory helps a great deal which also comes with time. it helps to be a honer of your blades also IMO.
I just can't shave ATG, i've tried: DE, mach3, fusion, and several straights honed by people who are good at what they do. My skin don't like ATG. So just WTG and XTG for me.
I do ATG with every shave.

+1,, every day or I'm not happy with the shave.
WTG to knock everything down, a very good XTG preps the way for a ATG pass. If my XTG pass isn't up to par,, the ATG is decidedly more difficult. Like anything, the prep work, in most anything, is key to achieving a goal.
Also,, it seems a good slippery as monkey snot soap helps too. Some feel too "dry" and hinder a good cut.
I don't do ATG on my upper and lower lips but I do XTG. ATG on my lips was always problematic and difficult even with DEs. Not that it matters, I can get BBS on the lips with WTG and XTG if the razor is sharp and I do a couple of passes. I have to do ATG on my neck and the rest of my face to get a good shave, though (unless I'm using an AC).
The only place I don't ever go ATG is right under my nose. Everyone's face is different. If I get carried away and razor burn an area it is one little spot on my neck. Slap the alum block to it and it settles right down.
I do ATG with every shave.


I also do the "fools pass" on my upper lip (ATG). If the razor is honed well, and your lather is right you should have no trouble, just take it slowly. I also hold the blade with my free hand while doing this.

Good stretching is key to a DFS or a BBS shave. I never get BBS, but I have been close. If I push it trying to get BBS my face always pays the price with irritation or soreness.
One WTG pass that is so close, that further passes are unnecessary?

Yes, this ^. A grail quest, as I said. Personally, I only do ATG at the base of my neck and beneath my jawline. Mostly three passes, WTG, XTG, XTG. If I'm lucky, it's in two passes, WTG, XTG.
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ATG, every shave. Otherwise it is a wasted shave, IMO.

I don't think it is possible to get a BBS shave with only a WTG pass. DFS, certainly.
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