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Against the Grain

Can someone please advise me about Straight Razor Shaving please.
Regarding shaving ATG, is it for everyone!
If so, how should it be started and completed, or is it a "what works for you"


Wanting for wisdom
ATG with a straight is probably not for everyone. Personally I can't get a close shave without going ATG. For me it is one of the scarier manoeuvres to perform as there is a definite drag happening when I do it. When my razor begins to dull it has even come to a point of skipping which is a definite message to me to get the hones out.

The advice I've seen here is to use a really low angle . . . perhaps even with the spine of the razor flat against the face. Personally I've found that I can use a bit more of an angle especially if I've already done on ATG pass in an area. I have an easy face to shave so I typically am shaving with the whole width of the blade starting from the bottom of my neck and with one smooth pass right up and over my cheeks.

With all things razor . . . if it doesn't feel right don't do it.

Good Luck
Can someone please advise me about Straight Razor Shaving please.
Regarding shaving ATG, is it for everyone!
If so, how should it be started and completed, or is it a "what works for you"

All of the above and none of the above. YMMV.

Generally speaking (and, again, YMMV) it is best not to shave against the grain. I normally do 1 pass with the grain and 1 pass across the grain and it's close enough.

Some people can shave against the grain every single day and they are fine, are you one of those?

Personally, I wouldn't advise you to shave ATG with a straight, not until you master the straight anyway. Try going across and see if you really need to go against.
I believe that everyone can shave ATG with a straight ... with the right technique. Not everyone will have the dedication to learn how to do it.
I am pretty green at straights with about 3 months under my belt, so take the following for what it is worth.

I have learned to do ATG every time I shave. I have dark, coarse whiskers and a WTG shave with a straight isn't adequate / close enough for me. I like XTG, but have not figured out how to safely do XTG on my neck (ie: with the blade vertical). An ATG pass on the neck feels scary at first and will test your skill and your edge. Once you get comfortable with the greater degree of feedback, you will get a much closer shave with an ATG pass, IMHO.
I shave ATG daily with my straight. No pain, no nicks and a very comfortable face after the event.

There are two things that I think are very important to achieve this comfort zone.

Firstly you must have shaved with the grain well and removed the heavy growth.

Secondly your razor must be sharp.

I don’t find it difficult but any signs of the blade not sliding comfortably over the skin and through the whiskers and I stop because the blade is not sharp enough. If the blade skips or pulls or stops on contact with the whiskers well to be honest, I feel I am lucky to have not cut myself. I try to rehone my razor well before this point either on a course strop or if necessary a finishing hone.
This is a good post and I'm glad this topic came up. As a newb str8 shaver, I attempted to shave similar to how I use DEs. WTG, XTG, ATG. It went poorly...

Shaving ATG S--N on your neck is a challenge but not impossible.
The cheeks are more of a challenge IMHO
The lips...my kobayashi Maru
I like XTG, but have not figured out how to safely do XTG on my neck (ie: with the blade vertical)... An ATG pass on the neck feels scary at first and will test your skill and your edge. Once you get comfortable with the greater degree of feedback, you will get a much closer shave with an ATG pass, IMHO.

This is an excellent point. Although I don't go against the grain anywhere else, it's best for me to go against the grain on my neck. XTG on the neck just doesn't feel right, even with a DE.

Glad you mentioned this.
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