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Against The Grain Smoothness - Which blade

If you include in your shaving ritual the ATG pass, and you experienced problems specifically for this pass, but you found the solution as being a blade, please let me know what blade is it, that allows for an easier/smoother ATG pass.

1. THE Blade:
2. Tested Blades:
3. Razor:
4. Passes: example: WTG, XTG, ATG
5. Result: example: BBS , or close to BBS or DFS.
6. Comfort: example: I am happy at the moment, maybe I would like something a bit sharper, but is smooth enough

I edited the question, as I have the feeling that no one wants to "play" for the reason I either spoil the fun from the people, or you don't believe is a blade problem, but a technique problem, or I really don't know what is the real reason for not having anyone wanting to "play".
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Here is my result so far(will update as I find more info):

1. THE Blade: Iridium Super
2. Tested Blades: Gillette Stainless, Feather, Gillette Platinum, Derby Extra, Personna Platinum.(comfort from best to lowest)
3. Razor: Muhle R89
4. Passes: WTG, XTG1(ear to nose), XTG2(nose to ear), ATG
5. Result: BBS if I would have not forgotten one small zone.. probably will take it with a bit of lather made separately
6. Comfort: Most comfortable shave ever, it is extremely forgiving this blade, and works extremely smooth, though wouldn't mind if it would have been just a tiny bit sharper.
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I edited the question, as I have the feeling that no one wants to "play" for the reason I either spoil the fun from the people, or you don't believe is a blade problem, but a technique problem, or I really don't know what is the real reason for not having anyone wanting to "play".

Edited OP.

I really think that terms like sharpness, mild, roughness are terms that are pretty much consistent across all the the shavers out there, regardless of YMMV. And to give you the main reason I am asking this, is to:

1. Make a roughness top.
2. Make a sharpness top.
3. Trying to understand the general feeling with specific blade materials: iridium, platinum, stainless, super platinum, etc.
and you can add here anything else that can cross your mind, and that can give you a reason to try a blade or not.
Believe it or not, I can't afford to pay in 3-4 places to order the blades that I want to try, before ordering a bigger quantity of a specific blade. If I could find all the blades I want to try in 2 places, I would say "fine, I'll do it", but there are like 4-5 places I need to order.
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Blades are just too YMMV...probably the most variable in this entire hobby of ours.
For me, the Gillette Permasharp (Indian Greens) and Gillette Super Platinum (Indian Blacks) are the smoothest blades that consistently provide 3-pass BBS. These are the only two blades I have in large quantities. I have used over 40 different blades so I wont list them all individually.

Currently, there is a huge bargain deal on the Indian Greens: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/300-Gill...&otn=4&po=LVI&ps=63&clkid=4809320048423115582

It's a large purchase so if you can get a few to try from somewhere, that would be good. I bought my Indian Greens for $24/100 and still feel it's a fine deal cos I love these blades but at $44/300, it is a super bargain IMO!
Pretty complex to post. I do this to relax, and am inherently lazy. Those are my reasons. And, as stated above, blades do seem very YMMV, as do pairings of blades and razors. Enjoy your shaves.
I can understand that pretty well, unfortunately I won't get good results otherwise... If one comes and posts "BladeX is best" but doesn't say that is also the only one he tried is not gonna help.
When someone comes and says: "Feather is best!" but doesn't say that he only shaves WTG+XTG, also doesn't help.
I guess that the guy that asked to post your "first 100 blades buy" got better results then I did. I will just be happy reading that post, and get the best all around blades, and test them myself.

Maybe someone can give a link with a sharpness test among blades, at least I will know the "range" of blades where to look and test more.
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