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Aftershave acquisition thread

How did you like it?
Just fine. It is a "blue" scented AS, which is about the best I can say to describe it. I like the spray bottle feature, rather than like with other aftershaves where you pour an amount in your hand. Seems more efficient, less wasteful.
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Just fine. It is a "blue" scented AS, which is about the best I can say to describe it. I like the spray bottle feature, rather than like with other aftershaves where you pour an amount in your hand. Seems more efficient, less wasteful.
Is it mentholated? I would lean more towards Aqua Velva Blue and not Floid Blue?
Screenshot 2024-05-16 at 17-49-13 NEW Vtg Men's English Leather After Shave Cologne Set 2 oz e...png

Picked this up from the Bay today--had been looking and pulled the trigger on a set finally. This was my late dad's favorite when I was growing up, and I was always fond of it--using it is a nice way to remind myself of the old man. Photo courtesy of the seller.

Thayers from Target, mainly because I'm curious about witch hazel without alcohol.

English Leather and Canoe, because I want a selection of higher end aftershaves. And my idea of "high end" is they don't sell it at the grocery or pharmacy.

The aftershaves were from a fragrance vendor at the Dayton Mall. The kind that occupy a kiosk. The vendor produced two large bottles of English Leather and declared they were his last as English Leather is discontinued and he cannot order anymore.

He wanted me to buy both bottles, but having been to Iraq and Kuwait, I am familiar with these sort of sales techniques. I later checked the Dana website and see no mention of discontinued.
Ding dong - Avon calling.



From left to right, Blend 7, Tai Winds, Leather, Windjammer, Wild Country, Spicy, and Spicy. All full.
They all smell good - Spicy is very close to vintage Shulton Old Spice. Tai Winds has a Faberge Brut vibe; Wild Country is unashamedly pure '70s macho (as it should be!), Windjammer a bit of a mixed bag, Leather very nice authentic car seat leather, and Blend 7 a nicely blended cologne-style.

Didn't break the bank. Very happy with these.


Found the Duke Cannon first, then in an antique store down the street the two NOS Avon aftershaves. Öland and Windjammer.

Öland is the more subtle of the two scents. Windjammer is more of a 1970s "staying power" aftershave that blurs the line between aftershave and cologne. Not bad for $10 each.
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