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After market handle to fit a NEW

Hi guys and gals, just recieved my NEW SC and haven't even used it yet. However, I feel I may like a bigger handle on it. As some of you know, I am in love with the weight and feel of the ATT Titan. Who knows, I may enjoy my NEW the way it is but just in case... I put my Titan handle on it just to see if it fit and it seemed to thread well but had a little play in it. So what will fit?
Hi guys and gals, just recieved my NEW SC and haven't even used it yet. However, I feel I may like a bigger handle on it. As some of you know, I am in love with the weight and feel of the ATT Titan. Who knows, I may enjoy my NEW the way it is but just in case... I put my Titan handle on it just to see if it fit and it seemed to thread well but had a little play in it. So what will fit?

Hi Sig: If you like hefty handles. . . than you need the UFO Handles by Rafael.



1931 Gillette Goodwill head on an UFO Godzilla handle--Warhawk is right.
Merkur for comparison, New with custom, original handle in the middle. Made by a talented B&Ber. I will leave him to identify himself if he wants to.
Tonight is supposed to be my first 72 hour shave with my Titan R1, but this thread is making me want to use my NEW for the first time. I have to try some patience.
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