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After a BBS - uneven stubble?

Gents, after you get one of those perfect shaves, once you start feeling stubble again, do you find it regrows evenly everywhere, or does it seem to crop up in different spots at different times? I always feel it first around my chin and just under the jaw line, and right under my ear area. Pisses me off, because those are the areas I often have the hardest time getting to feel really stubble-free, and sometimes within as little as an hour I can feel the skritch, but my cheeks and lots of my neck and sideburn area stay smooth all day. After 24 hours though, my growth feels even everywhere. So, is it just the way the hair grows (unevenly) or was it faux-BBS (lol)?
Mine feels uneven as well in the hours after I shave. Just under chin is where I notice it most. I wonder is it uneven, or do I just notice it there more?
Good observation/question!

I have recently found the same thing. I get a BBS and then the first dark appearance is of my moe and chin. If I don't shave for a couple of days - then the neck and temple/cheek areas get bushier faster.

I know my moe grows slower than other areas of my face but this classic area of goatee and moe seems to me more noticeable now I DE shave.

Come to think of it - I probably am just noticing the growth patterns more
This sense of heightened self awareness and self consiousness is irksome to me. I'm sure I have other matters to attend to, lol.
its funny you should mention this because with DE/straights i get very even stubble regrowth. its something i noticed moving from electric... that i got the fred flintstone shadow look that i never had before. :001_smile

I have the same issue. It appears that certain spots just grow faster (chin, jawline) than others (cheeks, neck). The areas that grow more speedily, generally allow for a regular irritation free shave. The areas that grow more slowly always seem to be harder to shave as the hair is just long enough to appear as stubble but just short enough that you need to stretch the skin to cut it (thus producing irritation).
For me, it appears to grow uneven for me across my cheeks. I don't shave my above my lip or my chin so I have no frame of reference for those areas.
I've found that my facial doesn't grow evenly. From my jawline down my throat it grows much faster than my upper lip and cheeks. It eventually all comes in when I grow my annual beard but it's a little annoying when the growth is in process.
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