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Advice on new kit.

I recently got into wet shaving. I had been using a multi blade disposable without any gunk of any sort. My skin seemed to have no problem tolerating the lack of cream.

I bought myself the following kit and I'm getting the urge to expand my collection (uh oh... AD). I watched a few videos and had no problems getting into wet shaving. Getting BBS or DFS after just a few shaves. I nearly never cut myself and have no irritation (except that first time i decided to touch up my moustache area using the razor on the dry without water or lather... that stung for a couple days).

Muhle R89 long.
Proraso green shaving cream tube.
TOBS sandalwood soap. (Having trouble lathering this one; might be my brush but it is probably my technique).
Kent BK4
Geo F Trumper skin foods sandalwood.
Alum block
Blades: Feather, Derby, Wilkinson (Just started using feathers. The Derby's were forgiving to start with but the Wilkinson's and the feathers are much better. Less irritation).

I also have a decent stand and some AS so those arent needed. I was considering some new creams; mainly because my experiences with the soap have been average. Not getting 3 passes out of it and it being pretty flat. maybe a CF lime and/or T&H Grafton.
I also fancy trying out different razors. I have bought a slim from here from one of the forum members that hasnt arrived yet (Shipping from US to UK is horrendous). I was considering a merkur 39c or 37c slant. I prefer longer handles but ive read the 39c is too big. Any other suggestions?

Kudos to you if you read all that!

Many thanks.

Welcome to B&B!

The lack of success with soaps may be down to lathering technique, or quite likely hard water. Try loading more soap into your brush, and see if that helps.

You are in the UK? If so you are spoiled for excellent software: Palmolive stick and cream, Wilkinson sticks (not the bowl), etc. You might check local middle-eastern shops for Turkish and Egyptian products. The Boots blades are worth a try too.

What are you hoping a new razor will do for you? That may help steer any advice about which one to try next. If you prefer longer handles the 39c may be just fine. Personally I prefer traditional-szied razors: I think the relatively short handles discourage use of pressure on the blade.
Hey! Thanks for the fast replies.

The EJ DE89 has the same head as the mule R89 so thats a nono.
Im looking for a new razor that gives me an even closer shave. Or just a change. Which is why I was considering the merkur 39c ... because its a slant. Closer/different shave.
Im getting a pretty damn good shave at the moment but... how many of you stop at 1 cream and 1 razor?

I have no problems not getting cut with my Muhle R89 at the moment so i dont think i have any pressure issues.

I just fancy a change and want some advice on which direction to go... what to get next.
I doubt you'll hear very many say they stop at one razor/cream. Personally the ADs have hit me, and calmed down a little. I'm thinking about thinning the herd.
I'd wait V. You've got a slim coming and that in itself, being adjustable, will present you with a lot of options of settings & blades (curiously, my own slim & fatboy prefer some blades to my other razors: in that I get a better shave).

Once you exhaust the variables of the slim (or if you're gonna get a razor anyway) can I suggest an open comb...?

Maybe a Fatip Grande, a Cadet OC, or your R89's big brother the R41...?
Hey guys! thanks for the great replies. Really handy.

Ive taken your advice and put the next razor on the back burner until ive used the slim and enjoyed the adjustability of it.

I have let the AD dæmons tickle me into buying a CF limes, D R Harris Arlington soap and a Col Conk Bay rum soap. All of which have been highly recommended on various posts and websites.

I hope these soaps lather better than my TOBS sandalwood. Maybe its the hard water. My technique definitely isnt great.
I tried bowl lathering and face lathering and with neither have i gotten a really great lather. Its OK for the first past but the second and third are really thin. My skin doesnt irritate from it but its not the luscious lather i see on the forums or in vids. The TOBS sandalwood soap seems to get on the brush very easily so I dont want to overdo it. I dont think i use too much water as i start with a dry-ish brush and add water slowly while lathering.

If its any help I get a decent lather using proraso green cream (tube) and bowl lathering (not so much face). Its still not the amazing thick lather ive seen but its more than enough for a great shave.

I hope i can get used to soaps since i much prefer the soap smell to the proraso.

Thanks a lot guys!


You could try using distilled water if hardness is an issue.

IME poor lather can be corrected with loading more, adding more water, and some vigorous agitation. Don't "baby" the brush (as I used to) but really work the bristles into the mix. I exclusively face lather now so the bristles also massages the face and I get tactile feedback on my pressure and enjoy my brush more...
True on the distilled water but not easy to get hold of or warm up enough to get a nice warm shave.

Im gonna try that with the bowl lathering... when i face lather i can feel the brush and i worry about damaging it (kent BK4... moderately expensive). Ive seen pictures of brushes which were worn out int he middle and barely used on the edges because of the amount of pressure people put on them.

With the bowl lathering i can get a nice vigorous swirling action without damaging the brush. Ill try that tomorrow and get back to you. Fingers crossed.

Thanks Mad Man!

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