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Advice for shaving trouble spots

Hi all,

Looking for some advice on shaving trouble spots such as the cheeks and neck. Been shaving for a few months using a DE89L and Astra SP blade, 2-3 passes. Very happy overall, but was interested if there are any good techniques to use when shaving these areas. What I find is, that if I try to stretch my skin while shaving, my face is wet and I cannot really grip my skin to stretch it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated!


Get an Alum block, and rub your fingers on it before attempting the stretch. That will allow you to grip your skin much better.
First of all, I always have a dry towel handy and I am frequently going back to it with my left hand (I shave with my right hand) to dry the tips of my thumb and fingers. I do a north to south pass starting out, pulling the skin up from above my lather over my sideburns and cheekbones where it is dry. By the time I get to my neck, the area that I have shaved has dried enough to pull, so I can pull the skin from my jawbone up to do a north to south pass on my neck. Pass #2 is a east to west or west to east pass (from my ears to my mouth and nose) on my cheeks. One thing I've learned is to go from the ear about half way between my ear and mouth and nose, and stop. Then, do the other cheek in the same fashion. Then go back to the side you started first and the newly shaven skin on that side will have had enough time to dry out and it makes pulling the skin tight easier. Continue with your east west pass from the middle of your cheek to your mouth/nose.... and do your chin and upper lip area. It's amazing how just waiting 20 to 30 seconds after you shave a spot how dry it will get and will enable you to better grip and pull the skin taught.

Thanks for the tips! Really enjoyed geofatboy's video.... will definitely try the alum block...and some of the stretching techniques. Can an alum block be bought at a store?? (Live in OH) or just online?
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