Let me preface with the fact that I am posting this as the collective life experience on B&B, as well as maturity and insight here, far outdoes any other forum I have ever used, and that is why I am posting this here.
Beyond that, I'm not sure exactly why this is here, I suppose primarily to vent, and secondarily to hear feedback, insight, and any comments (harsh or not) from the members here.
Let the ramble commence:
With that said, my fiancee left me last night. 6 years together, and over in an evening. I did not fight, beg, or struggle with her over it. She was true to her convictions, and whether or not she could explain her reasoning to me (what explanation I got was very poor), I know she has them and I respect that, it is over and that's that from that angle.
I'm a young professional, I have a career with goals, aspirations, and for my age have seen tremendous amounts of success. We jointly own two properties (which we think we've already figure out how to divide) and have two dogs (not yet sorted). This all came along while in the process of changing jobs from private sector, to a federal contractor with a large career advancement - so I hope I can pour some energy into that.
But the fact remains that I am very young (early 20s), and to own two homes and have a successful career frankly does not match with my peers, and that leads to the pickle I am in slightly. I just got the gift of tons of free time, but no social outlet to spend it, and my finances just got tighter as I'm now swinging solo on the house. I live next to a military base in VA, and as such - there is not a whole lot for single guys to do around here, at least not without a hefty drive.
I suppose, in closing - that all that I've written above is nothing outside of backstory, and without a real drive or point. I'm focusing energy and effort into my professional career, and realize what happened cannot be undone, and that I must accept that - which I have done. Life moves on, and as much as it may hurt, or inconvenience myself, that is where I stand and what I must take on.
So, with all that said - please share stories of your past experiences in similar regards, any social outlets you may or may not have found helpful, and doubly so any suggestion for a single guy in his early 20s that does not like bars, and is not really at the same stage in life as his peers. I say this not to put myself above anyone, but to add context to my situation.
Any insight would be appreciated. Harsh, critical, helpful, informative - I am happy to hear it all. Thank you B&B.
Beyond that, I'm not sure exactly why this is here, I suppose primarily to vent, and secondarily to hear feedback, insight, and any comments (harsh or not) from the members here.
Let the ramble commence:
With that said, my fiancee left me last night. 6 years together, and over in an evening. I did not fight, beg, or struggle with her over it. She was true to her convictions, and whether or not she could explain her reasoning to me (what explanation I got was very poor), I know she has them and I respect that, it is over and that's that from that angle.
I'm a young professional, I have a career with goals, aspirations, and for my age have seen tremendous amounts of success. We jointly own two properties (which we think we've already figure out how to divide) and have two dogs (not yet sorted). This all came along while in the process of changing jobs from private sector, to a federal contractor with a large career advancement - so I hope I can pour some energy into that.
But the fact remains that I am very young (early 20s), and to own two homes and have a successful career frankly does not match with my peers, and that leads to the pickle I am in slightly. I just got the gift of tons of free time, but no social outlet to spend it, and my finances just got tighter as I'm now swinging solo on the house. I live next to a military base in VA, and as such - there is not a whole lot for single guys to do around here, at least not without a hefty drive.
I suppose, in closing - that all that I've written above is nothing outside of backstory, and without a real drive or point. I'm focusing energy and effort into my professional career, and realize what happened cannot be undone, and that I must accept that - which I have done. Life moves on, and as much as it may hurt, or inconvenience myself, that is where I stand and what I must take on.
So, with all that said - please share stories of your past experiences in similar regards, any social outlets you may or may not have found helpful, and doubly so any suggestion for a single guy in his early 20s that does not like bars, and is not really at the same stage in life as his peers. I say this not to put myself above anyone, but to add context to my situation.
Any insight would be appreciated. Harsh, critical, helpful, informative - I am happy to hear it all. Thank you B&B.