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adjustable razor recommendations

I think i want to try something thats adjustable. All the new ones i am seeing (merkur) are a bit on the $$$ side. Are there any new model that are under 50 bucks? If not what to look for in something older?

Current equipment:
Merkur 38C and 39C
I second the slim. You won't regret it. The fatboy wasn't for me, but the slim is a perfect fit. For me, at least. You can get one for less than $30.
I'll echo the Slim suggestion.....with a nod to the Super Adjustable as well. The FatBoy is a little pricey but a great shave and fun to use as well. Some folks say they have issues with a larger TTO head under the nose. My upper lip is a designated natural area so I can not speak to that.

Good hunting......
I have two Gillettte adjustables , both from the Bay , the Fatboy was $45 and the handle is showing plating loss , my Slim was $80 feels great, is mechanically sound, & looks great ( possibly replated ?) , worth the money to me ; got it from a well known vendor who always offers expedited shipping .

I use the Slim exclusively now , every other day and polish at the end with my Fusion - went the Merkur route myself but was disappointed .
I say go for a slim, I got two for $25 shipped and just had my first shave with it, nice little razor. It balances just like my SS, so nothing to different for me.

I think i want to try something thats adjustable. All the new ones i am seeing (merkur) are a bit on the $$$ side. Are there any new model that are under 50 bucks? If not what to look for in something older?

Current equipment:
Merkur 38C and 39C

Looks like you enjoy heavier-longer handles. You might be able to find a used long handle merkur progress on bst almost the same head as your 38c but adjustable
Buy one of the classic Gillette adjustables ; they are a good standard to judge the other available adjustables. The Schick adjustable is a good single edged alternative. In the Merkur line the Mergress feels to primitive, the Vision too monstrously large, and the Futur the best they make. The Wizamet adjustable, the" Hippo", is an enjoyable but very aggressive and hard to find. Don't even consider the Gillette or Schick band adjustable, that was a failed technology that never shaved close enough.
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