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Adding pics to a post.Help!

I'm a newbie on here and I'm having difficulty trying to add pictures to a post. I use a IPAD and I usually take pictures with it and I'm trying to attach pictures from the IPad but it's showing no pictures or anything when I use the upload from computer feature (the browse is grayed out and it won't let it search the computer for the pics. Anybody have the same problem or can offer any suggestions?? Any help would gladly be appreciated!!


System Generated
Head over to the "site feedback" or "post testing area" and see if anyone there can help.

It's more a technical question then "general shaving"

Maybe a mod could move this one for you if you send one a PM
Sign up for a free imaging hosting account with any of the sites that specialize in this (they are free).

Then use the BB image code to display the photo from the image hosting site in your post

The non parsed block of code below would pull in the image from my account on the photobucket web site but since I wrapped the img tag with a noparse tags you can see what the actual image display code looks like (the actual parsed image is below the line of code)




Needs milk and a bidet!
i had the same exact issue trying to upload with my iphone. what turtle said is the easiest IMO.

I used to take the pic with my phone, send it via email, open email on my comp, save image to desktop, then upload to B&B.

I signed up for flickr a few days ago, now i just use the flickr app to take the pic and upload it to flikr, then on flickr you can share the photo with BBcode and copy/paste the text link like Turtle did. very easy!
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