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AD Out of Control... Just picked up a Hoffritz slant

I need to go to RAD-A-NON.

I posted a question a while back on a Hoffritz slant I had seen in an antique shop that was asking $60.


The kit Includes the razor, two silver blade holders, and the shiny silver box. All-in-all the razor looks to be in near mint condition.

I was not super surprised to find it still there after a month and a half, as it seems it was priced a bit high, so I made a counter-offer and walked out with it for $45.

I can't wait to try it out.
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I picked this one up at an antique mall that was going out of business.



The original price was $55, marked down to $40, then everything in the store was 50% off, so it cost me $21.20, with tax. This Hoffritz slant is a real beauty, but it's also an excellent shaver. Congrats on a nice find.

I picked this one up at an antique mall that was going out of business.



The original price was $55, marked down to $40, then everything in the store was 50% off, so it cost me $21.20, with tax. This Hoffritz slant is a real beauty, but it's also an excellent shaver. Congrats on a nice find.


Wow! What a deal. I think that one is a bit nicer than mine too. No need for me to post any pics... that is the same razor, case and blade holders.

Does anyone know how to date these?
Looks like a good find! I am new to wet shaving, and already developing RAD of my own! If I keep my current pace up, my wife may throw me and all my kit right out the front door!!
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